Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Obama's Latest Travesties

Obama's Latest Travesties

Thanks to his mainstream media’s cover-ups and minimization of his countless gaffes, his intentional wrecking of the economy, and his monumental domestic and foreign policy failures, many Americans are oblivious or have become inured to the president’s ineptitude and outright lies, none of which ignorance changes the reality of who and what Barack Hussein Obama is and what he has done to America. 

From the abomination of Obamacare to broken pledges to radical positions on abortion and same-sex marriage to creating a national, racial cauldron to alienating our allies to kowtowing to the Muslim world to directing the most secretive and divisive administration since Richard Nixon’s, Obama has re-defined presidential failure and presidential malevolence. 

Bar none, the election of Barack Hussein Obama four years ago stands out as the greatest travesty in the history of our great republic. 

Not even the Civil War with its estimated 623,000 casualties or the terrible carnage of World War Two compare to what has happened to the United States beginning on January 20th, 2009.  We recovered from those conflicts but may never recover from the effects of having an extreme, socialistic president committed to destroying our country and our values.

It is also becoming clearer by the day that Obama’s re-election will seal our fate as a nation which was once a shining light for the world that devolved into a second-rate power.

Just consider the events of  the last three weeks: 

1. By all accounts, America’s commander-in-chief virtually authorized the assassination of an American ambassador.   

Apprised of threats to Chris Stevens’ life at least 24 hours before the Benghazi attack and aware that our Benghazi consulate had requested more security after 13 previous attacks and threats, neither Obama nor Secretary of State Clinton did anything to warn Stevens of another imminent attack.  They both chose instead to blame a terrorist murder on an inconsequential movie. 

Even after White House Press Secretary Jay Carney admitted it was an “evident” act of  terrorism, the president addressed the U.N. and attributed the assault to the lame movie no one had seen;    

2. The “Fast and Furious” operation, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives gun-running scheme overseen by Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder which gave thousands of deadly weapons to Mexican drug cartels has been in the news for years and resulted in the murder of border patrol agent, Brian Terry. 

Now, Spanish language Univision has gone where the Obama-Holder Justice Department has refused to go by investigating how extensive the deaths resulting from the botched “Fast and Furious” debacle actually were and airing a detailed video as indisputable proof. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=28262.)

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