Saturday, October 6, 2012

Snoop Dog's Doggy Doo-Doo

Snoop Dog's Doggy Doo-Doo

  The ever-classy Calvin Cordozar Broadus, Jr. who lately goes by the name Snoop Lion after dumping Doggy Dogg and Snoop Dogg has added another title to his already impressive résumé: Presidential Political Analyst.   

The oft-imprisoned Calvin instagrammed a purloined list of the 10 reasons he’s not voting for Mitt Romney and 10 reasons he is voting for Barack Obama, all of which vividly demonstrate his incisively awesome capacity to insightfully analyze the candidates.  

All 20 represent more than sufficient, substantive information for undecideds to decide who gets their votes on November 6th.

1005_snoop_votes2   Among Snoop Lion’s very cogent observations on Romney is that ”He a white n*****r” and the “muthaf*****s  name is Mitt” (repeated for emphasis), that “He a ho” who “looks like he say n****r all the time,” that “He a Mormon who ain’t got hoes,” and he reminds Calvin “of every boss I ever hated,” all reasons enough for the Snoopster’s threat, “Bitch I will beat the s**t out of you.” 

Calvin also includes Ann Romney in his critique, pointing out “Bitch got a dancing horse.”

Snoop Lion may not think much of the Romneys but he is enthralled by the Obamas. 
He wears a durag like me  As contrasted with the Mittster, that Barack, “He a black n****r,” “mad cool,” “He wears a durag just like me” and uses the same hair clippers, he hugged and sniffed Beyonce’, smokes Newports and “I seen that n****r hoop before and he got a jumper.” 

He accords the president’s wife . . .  (

(Editor’s note: The Snoopster didn’t use asterisks. . . 


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