Sunday, October 7, 2012

Grading the Eye-Candy Man's Debate

Grading the Eye-Candy Man's Debate

The first debate between the two antagonists vying for the privilege to lead the United States of America for the next four years, each intending to impress the American electorate with his intelligence, knowledge, and expertise, represented not only a crushing blow to Barack Hussein Obama’s re-election prospects. 

It also stands as yet another exposé of his fundamental ineptitude and his outrageous pretensions to being the much-heralded, most brilliant, and most articulate president in our nation’s history. 

  In fact, absent his teleprompters which his handlers customarily use to dictate everything he says and how he says it, Obama came across as an ignorant dolt serving far above his pay grade and totally unqualified to speak intelligently, let alone serve as president. 

When my son was a freshman at Penn State, his professor in a public speaking class assigned his first speech a C- and explained his reason for the low grade: My son had used the “uh-word” excessively, a sign he either hadn’t prepared well enough, that he wasn’t confident in the speech’s contents, or that he knew he was wrong in what he said. has compiled an amusing/scary video collection of our scholar-president’s wasted 51 seconds repeatedly uttering the “uh-word.” 

A lousy overall performance anyway, it would have been awarded a D+ at best by my son’s prof based on his “uhs” alone. . . 

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