Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Election 2012: Polls and Lies

Election 2012: Polls and Lies

Jim Lehrer 1 - MR. PRESIDENT your time is up� (Picture compliments of IOwntheWorld.com)

When whiny, old Dave Obamalackey Letterman makes snarky jokes about the president after months of mocking Romney, you can smell a change in the election air.

With four weeks to go before Barack Hussein Obama and his henchmen dispatch their Black Panther storm troopers to intimidate white voters again and try to steal the election after years of deceiving his supporters and months of misrepresenting Mitt Romney, it’s obvious the political worm is gradually turning.

Besides Letterman, there are a number of other indicators suggesting Obama and his ilk will lose big time on November 6th and be denied the opportunity to subvert our country further and once more fool a plurality into casting their ballots for an egomaniacal, radical socialist.
.� Last week, the Military Times announced that its poll of 3100 active and reserve troops shows the core of the U.S. military favors Mitt Romney over President Obama by a whopping 66% to 26% based on the economy and the candidates character.
.� On Monday, Zogby Analytics gave Romney a 3% lead on national security and a 6% percent advantage on jobs and the economy.
.� On Tuesday, Rasmussen reported that the challenger has moved ahead in all 11 swing states.
Why any rational individual voted for Obama in 2008 has long been a mystery to me.  Why anyone could entertain the vaguest notion of voting for him in 2012 is beyond mysterious and enters the realm of fantastical absurdity.

In view of the continuing, sorry state of the economy, the undermining of our national integrity following revelations that the administration sacrificed the lives of four Americans in Benghazi on the altars of Islamic appeasement and political correctness, the utter failure of Obama’s approach to the Arab Spring, the gender, racial, and class divisiveness he has created, the only explanation for Obama’s re-nomination is that the Democrat Party has lost its collective mind, probably as a consequence of its loss of interest in America’s future.
It’s no wonder the White House has virtually ended daily press briefings. Even Jay Carney has his lying limits.
In a highly significant political worm-turning, the president has seemingly lost one of his prime hole cards. For the most part, his race card is working just fine but he apparently is losing the ridiculous War on Women card. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=28240)

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