Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Obama Videos and Black Racism

The Obama Videos and Black Racism

Now that the first presidential debate is over and even the Left agrees the contender creamed the incumbent, it should be pointed out that Romney trounced Obama without ever using his best punch–video evidence that the president is a black racist.  

By now just about everyone has heard about the video of then-Senator Barack Hussein Obama in which he alleged that the slow response to the ravages caused by Hurricane Katrina was motivated not by incompetence but by white racism against the black population of New Orleans. 

Some readers may have seen a 4-minute clip from Obama’s speech and a few may have seen his entire 36-minute, 22 second, 2007 address to a largely-black audience at Hampton University.  For those who missed the latter, it can be seen here, along with specifics on his racist diatribe: (

Also, do see a shocking side-by-side video comparison of what Obama said to blacks in 2007 versus what he said to the nation during the last campaign as he hypocritically preached race-neutrality. 

Suffice to say, Senator Obama’s rhetoric and speech patterns when he spoke at Hampton University were markedly different from candidate Obama’s rhetoric and manner when he spoke to a diverse national audience. 

The two videos graphically clarify the issue of “Who is the real Obama?”  He is clearly not a race healer, he’s more akin to the stereotypical angry black man.   

However, the words the president chose five and four years ago and how he expressed them do serve a worthwhile purpose: They finally make vividly clear what many of us have believed since 2008, namely that Obama doesn’t much like white people and that America has been engaged in an undeclared race war ever since he took office.  

Demonstrating abject ignorance, the best-defense-is-a-good-offense strategy, or both, in an amazing display of misleading chutzpa, a deputy editor of the Washington Post’s editorial page wrote that “racism could sway the [presidential] election.” 

That view is eminently defensible. The chutzpa enters the scenario with Colbert King’s distorted opinion based entirely on disturbed social media rants, a miniscule sampling of fruitcakes. . .

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