Friday, October 5, 2012

The Insidious Popsicle Threat to Islamic Virtue

The Insidious Popsicle Threat to Islamic Virtue

Islam-05  Adherents to the Muslim faith, a faith to which our president has sworn he does not adhere, believe in some odd things as contrasted with what Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, and members of just about every other religion on the planet believe. 

Muslims also seem to think evil is lurking everywhere except, of course, when devout Islamists murder infidels, a central precept endorsed and encouraged in the Holy Koran because it’s a wonderful thing to slay non-Muslims in the name of Allah and jihad. 

In addition, it’s perfectly acceptable to issue death warrants for apostates, to brutally rape  journalists like  Lara Logan and Natsha Smith, to conduct a virtual rape epidemic in Oslo, to firebomb Charlie Hebdo because they don’t like the publication, and to commit various and multiple other atrocities. 
  But, back to popsicles. 

To certain Muslims, popsicles are a creation of the devil . . .

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