Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Sick Liberal Puppies: Part One

Sick Liberal Puppies: Part One

Some years ago, I inadvertently cornered a huge raccoon gorging on dog food in the back of my garage.  Surprised and angered by my interruption of its late night meal, the raccoon reacted by baring its teeth and snarling menacingly–much like liberals literally and metaphorically act when they smell defeat. 

A liberal low-life hacked into Mia Love’s Wikipedia page and posted  scurrilous comments about the African-American mayor of Saratoga Springs, Utah, GOP candidate for Congress, and Tuesday’s brilliant speaker at the RNC convention.  

Calling the conservative Ms. Love a “token,” an “Aunt Tom,” a  “House Nigger” and a “dirty, worthless whore” constituted a common instance of racist, leftist  misogyny and wasn’t unusual for our liberal friends. 

Yahoo News’ Washington bureau chief David Chalian once again betrayed the liberal taint of the media when he was overheard on a hot mic slandering the presumptive Republican nominee for president and his wife. 

The churlish Chalian remarked that Mitt and Ann Romney were “not concerned at all” and indeed were “happy to have a party [the convention] with black people drowning” because of tropical storm Isaac.  As disgusting as it was, his racist slur was not unusual for a liberal.  

That Yahoo fired Chalian doesn’t mitigate the unavoidable truth that  America’s left-wingers are largely composed of mean-spirited, misanthropic sickos who, confronted with an adverse reality–in this case the possibility that Barack Hussein Obama will be banished to Chicago next January–get even sicker.

They make snarling animals look good by comparison.

Adversity offers the opportunity to rise above failure and move on to better things or to rail at life’s unfairness, wallow in recriminations, and hurl epithets and slanders. 

Not known for possessing optimistic mindsets, liberals are vulnerable to railing and wallowing.  Rather than benefit from adversity as a learning experience, they use it as an excuse to lash out at actual and imagined enemies–just like cornered raccoons. 

I don’t refer to libs such as the overachieving, formerly pretty, perky Katie Couric who recently voiced her fury with CBS bigwigs for  “projecting their own issues onto me” since Couric says she felt “liberated” after being forced out of her anchor job on CBS’ “Evening News.” 

Nor am I referring to NBC’s “Today” hostess Ann Curry who claimed she was canned by network executives because they didn’t like her fashion sense and certainly not because of her lackluster, hosting shortcomings. 

While Couric’s and Curry’s complaints are attributable to plain, old mid-life bitchiness, as the Romney-Obama presidential race develops into a real horse race in which the president is looking more and more like an also-ran, liberals are showing clear signs of desperation by baring their fangs and exhibiting their notoriously heinous character.  

Long before the Wikipedia abuse of Mia Love and David Chalian’s abuse of the Romneys, liberals have been reflecting their election angst by abandoning whatever minimal pretense to civility and civil discourse they ever had.

For example, last winter Samuel L. Jackson revealed his true racist self in an expletive-laden, N-word-filled interview in Ebony. . .  (Read more at

Friday, August 24, 2012

"2016: Obama's America"--Antidote to Obama's MSM

"2016: Obama's America"--Antidote to Obama's MSM

It’s very satisfying when others affirm what you think, say, and write.  At the same time, it’s very unsettling when what you think, say, and write reveals that the current resident at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, D.C. is as dangerous a fraud as he is a mystery to the American people.     
  We know for certain that Barack Hussein Obama is the man behind the newly-famous Reuters photo because his face is obscured by a teleprompter screen and we also know this president rarely speaks without the aid of a teleprompter to tell him what to say.

Obamians are incensed over Reuters’ publication of the picture because it graphically suggests Obama, who has been billed as a brilliant constitutional scholar, may actually be a block-headed, over-achieving  ideologue committed to changing the nation into something few Americans supported last time around and fewer support this time around.

Just wait until the Obama team collectively ramps up its scripted indignation over a film few if any of them will ever see yet all of them will rip to shreds as partisan Republican trash anyway because, well, because that’s what they’re trained and paid to do and what the DNC orders them to.

 Obama's America 2016  “2016: Obama’s America”, a film described by Scott Paulson of CBSDFW as “disturbingly necessary”, is based on Dineesh D’Souza’s 2010 best seller The Roots of Obama’s Rage.  Those deep roots and that seething rage are shown to govern his every thought and every policy.  Playing in only a third of the theaters “Expendables 2″ is being shown, “2016: Obama’s America” is giving Stallone’s flick a run for the top spot for current movies.

And, Obama can’t blame Bush.

Seeing the movie and reading the book before November 6th will be a disturbing experience for anyone concerned over America’s future.  It is an absolutely mandatory experience for any readers or viewers who believe things are all but perfect in the nation now and will be positively idyllic by 2016.  Both the film and the book are also disturbingly necessary to counter the pervasive propaganda fed to us by the president’s mainstream media.
We should finally put to rest the ancient canard that the MSM is . . .

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Who's Yo Daddy, Barry?

Who's Yo Daddy, Barry?

A blurb for a dvd titled “Dreams from My Real Father, a Story of Reds and Deception” directed by filmmaker Joel Gilbert attracted my attention since so many of the supposed details  published in Barack  Hussein Obama’s two memoirs have been proven to be either imaginative fabrications or outright lies.

Furthermore, the authorship of both Dreams from My Father (1995, 2004) and The Audacity of Hope (2006) has been called into question by highly reputable textual and publishing fraud experts who strongly suspect Bill Ayers and other Obamabuddies wrote what our president claims he wrote.

Compound their doubts with the commonsensical queries of whether a 34 year old would write a memoir  or how a 45 year old would have the time to compose a 403 page book while serving as Illinois state senator and campaigning to become a United States senator and president without significant assistance and the issues of Obama’s credibility and honesty are called into question. 

Gilbert’s challenging Obama’s true parentage merely adds yet another strange fillip to the many mysteries concerning the background, education, and philosophical motivations of the most mysterious and easily the scariest president in American history.  
placeholder      The “Dreams from My Real Father” website,, outlines what may best be described as an appeal to the American electorate to stand up and take notice of the grave mistake made four years ago and the far more severe gravity of repeating that mistake on November 6th. 

The documentary traces the career of the youthful Occidental College Marxist to and through evidently photo-shopped pictures depicting him with his white mother who oddly sports a large, black right hand where her small, white right hand should be. 

“Dreams from My Real Father” also alleges Barry’s mom Stanley Ann Dunham worked as an amateur porno queen during her younger years, an outrageous charge to make except for the inclusion of a video and still photos featuring a woman who if not Stanley Ann bears a remarkable resemblance to her. . .


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Lost Hope and Gained Chains

Lost Hope and Gained Chains

obama divider(Via Hope n’ Change, on a tip from Shawn on

When President Barack Hussein Obama said with a straight face on “Entertainment Tonight” that ”I don’t think you or anybody who’s been watching the campaign would say that in any way we have tried to divide the country. We’ve always tried to bring the country together,” no one dared snicker and no one dared label him the lying hypocrite he is. 

Someone should have.  He was speaking in a fitting venue, entertainment, but he wasn’t remotely entertaining except to his diehard idolators who still think his every word emanates from an Anointed One.
-image-hope-and-change.jpg  In 2008, Barack Hussein Obama sold his candidacy to 52.9% of the electorate based on the designedly vague  rhetoric of bringing hope to a war-weary, financially shell-shocked nation and he offered a blurry pledge to effect transparent, presumably beneficial changes Americans could believe in. 

Four years later, with wars still raging in Afghanistan and in various other Mideast countries, with armed conflict on the cusp of erupting in others, and with an economy barely marginally improved, many of us have far less hope that this president can accomplish meaningful and worthwhile change over the
course of a second term. 

In fact, many of us believe government brought about the banking crisis by pressuring lending institutions to loan mortgage money to deadbeats who thought payback was optional and that, unlike Obama, thought government was the problem, not the solution.  Many of us also believed, unlike Obama, that the United States of America was and is a damned great country in need of at most minor tweaking rather than radical alteration.        

Hope-and-Change-Reagan.jpg  Not unexpectedly, what we got was more intrusive government, billions in phenomenal misspending, trillions  tacked onto our national debt which will impoverish our children and grandchildren, wildly imbalanced annual budgets, a first-ever downgrading of the nation’s credit rating, unprecedented and  dangerous changes in medical coverage, and less transparency than Tricky Dick Nixon could have ever envisioned.    

In all fairness, however, and despite the questionable merits of Obama’s “achievements”, let’s give the devil his due.  Obama has accomplished many of his unstated goals: 

.  The president has succeeded in dividing the nation like it hasn’t been divided since the 1860′s and he continues to pit race against race and class against class with his campaign of divisiveness as if his political future depends on it, which it does;

.  The president has demonized the peaceful, law-abiding tea party movement while lauding the destructive, lawless Occupy Everything crazies who represent everything law-abiding people abhor; . . .


Friday, August 17, 2012

America's One-Sided Race War, Part III

America's One-Sided Race War, Part III

The ostensibly vulgar word ”Niggerization” is apparently okay with left-wingers when spoken by a black man in the throes of villifying Mitt Romney for saying, “This is what an angry and desperate presidency looks like” and “Mr. President, take your campaign of division and anger and hate back to Chicago.” 

In an amazingly dumb rant on Thursday’s edition of MSNBC’s “The Cycle,” co-host Touré  Neblett interpreted Romney’s description of Barack Hussein Obama’s presidency and the governor’s suggestion that the Obama campaign is based on hatred and divisiveness as racist. 

  Touré, who goes by a single name since he perceives himself as much a star as Rihanna and Beyonce’ and Gaga, outlined his indignation over Romney: ”I mean, that really bothered me.  You notice he says anger twice.  He’s really trying to use racial coding and access some really deep stereotypes about the angry black man.  This is part of the playbook against Obama, the “otherization”; he’s not like us.  I know it’s a heavy thing to say,  I don’t say it lightly, but this is Niggerization.  You are not one of use [sic]. You are like the scary black man we’ve been trained to fear.” (

In addition to using a variation of the banned N-word, Touré’s Romney attacks are offensive on many other levels and his paranoia and ignorance are showing. 

“Anger” has evolved into code for “angry black man”?  Romney maintains a racist “playbook against Obama”?  Is “otherization” any more a word than “niggerization”?  Is Touré less qualified than Al Sharpton to serve as an MSNBC host?  Is Touré engaging in tactical “racewarization”?
  The uproar involving Joe Biden’s transparent effort to scare African-American voters into again voting en masse for Obama-Biden in November was unusual in that most of Obama’s mainstream media climbed on board to criticize hapless Joe, unlike their non-reaction to Touré.

However, there was a method to the madness of Obama’s MSM: They wanted to force Biden off the ticket to make room for Hillary Clinton in the Number Two spot.  They failed because they didn’t appreciate the depth of Mrs. Clinton’s ego (second place? gasp!) and that what the court clown said to his largely black audience in Danville, Virginia, “They gonna put y’all back in chains”, was merely vintage Biden. 

To be sure, as Douglas Wilder the first black governor in America noted, The Bumbler’s comment was racist but Biden often makes racist remarks and the MSM rarely gets exercised by such comments by people in the public eye–as long as those people are liberals and/or blacks like Touré. 
The mainstreamers, lamestreamers to Sarah Palin, weren’t at all perturbed by Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan warning to whites that, “We know your origin in the world.  We know how long you were set to live.  And unless you change, your end has come.” 

New Black Panther Party  The MSM weren’t in the least concerned over New Black Panther Party Minister King Shamir Ahabaz telling blacks, “You want freedom?  You’re gonna have to kill some crackers!  You’re gonna have to kill some of their babies!” 

The lamestreamers never took notice of candidate Obama's oblique racist strategizing in 2008, “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.”  

The beat goes on and the incendiary black rhetoric grows more vicious in America’s one-sided race war.
Encouraged by the president of the United States allowing our attorney general to disgrace the Department of Justice by converting it into a black racist defense agency, by Obama’s falsely accusing a white Cambridge, Massachusetts cop of stupidity for enforcing the law, by his taking sides in the George Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin case, and by virtue of numerous other twisted executive branch decisions and  decrees, the New Black Panther Party is becoming more ballsy in its militant threats. . .


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

CNN's Soledad O'Brien and Fareed Zakaria Exposed

CNN's Soledad O'Brien and Fareed Zakaria Exposed

CNN’s María de la Soledad Teresa O’Brien, aka Soledad O’Brien, is certainly better looking than CNN’s Fareed Rafiq Zakaria although as she approaches 50 years of age Ms. O’Brien should realize that serving as eye candy won’t always cut it even on Ted Turner’s liberal cable network. 
Not that they won’t fully recover but O’Brien and Zakaria have been outed as the over-achieving leftist hacks they have always been. 
In the lady’s case, she has again been revealed as nothing more than a nincompoopette newsreader and the Bombay native has been caught plagiarizing material for a column he wrote about gun control.  O’Brien escaped censure by her employer for being a consistent nimrod; Zakaria was suspended for a month by Time magazine and for an indefinite period by CNN for excerpting without attribution (stealing) the words of Jill Lepore.   
Are those the scents of favoritism and discrimination I detect in the air? 
Hardly! Good grief!  Neither Time and CNN would ever sink into politically incorrect sexism by favoring women over men no matter how dumb the woman is nor would they ever unfairly treat a naturalized American, presuming the woman and the new citizen were liberals.
  In any event, Soledad O’Brien’s sins were far less grievous than Fareed Zakaria’s.  CNN might very well consider them virtues rather than journalistic flaws.
Soledad merely borrowed the definition of Critical Race Theory from Wikipedia since she didn’t know anything about the black racist CRT, attacked the Paul Ryan House GOP Budget Plan using cribbed notes  from the left-wing blog “Talking Points” since she couldn’t come up with ideas of her own, and so embarrassed herself by mouthing Democrat lies concerning Medicare cuts that John Sununu was forced to suggest that she should “put an Obama bumper sticker on her forehead.”               
Sporting a bumper sticker anywhere on her face wouldn’t go over very well on television anymore than would Soledad’s admissions on CNN that she knew less about racist theories, Democrat budget distortions, and Republican Medicare proposals than Katie Couric knows about professional ethics.   
Fareed, however, is a whole other matter.  .  .

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Romney/Ryan Will Lose to Obama/Biden

Romney/Ryan Will Lose to Obama/Biden

It’s highly unlikely that Gov. Mitt Romney’s choice of Rep. Paul Ryan as his vice-presidential running mate will meaningfully affect the results of the fall election.   
As long as the Republican camp continues to follow the John McCain losing style of gentlemanly, gloves-on, above-the-fray politics, the Ryan pick won’t make a bloody bit of difference in the outcome on November 6th and Obama/Biden will win a second term. 
Sen. McCain’s chief mistake was not grasping the import of Barack Hussein Obama’s Chicago connections and his Windy City approach to gutter politics.  Obama made that approach to campaigning vividly clear four years ago at a Philadelphia fundraiser in June, 2008.  To counter Republican attacks, he threatened in classic Chicago fashion, “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.” 
Back in '09 Obama insulted  Presumably, Obama was speaking metaphorically but given Chicago’s reputation as the murder capital of America, who knows? 
The fight is now joined and unless someone frisks the candidates, Obama/Biden will blow Romney/Ryan out of the water.  Everyone knows that guns are far more effective than knives in a brawl, a hard lesson Sen. McCain learned when he chose the high road in 2008 by not getting down and dirty with the dirtiest politician since LBJ. 
During that campaign, McCain took the high road and lost to an inexperienced, unqualified, over-achieving upstart whose  vacuous promises of hopey-change, an ability to orate, and his semi-black race constituted his only advantages.  To date, Romney has pursued a similar route to defeat while Obama, ably assisted by his campaign and mainstream media henchmen, has lambasted him as a tax cheat, a felon, a murderer. 
Even Ann Romney has been subjected to media abuse and the Romneys’ Mormon religion has been thrown into the sick mix.
Barack Obama will stop at nothing to guaranty he gets the chance to exercise that “flexibility” he whispered about to Russian President Medvedev; Mitt Romney seems prepared to do nothing aside from expressing his indignation over Obamian lies and slanders, a sure-fire tactic for losing to a soul-less street fighter.      
McCain refused to make issues of Obama’s racist pastor of 20 years Rev. Jeremiah “God Damn America” Wright, Obama’s close ties. . .