Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Sick Liberal Puppies: Part One

Sick Liberal Puppies: Part One

Some years ago, I inadvertently cornered a huge raccoon gorging on dog food in the back of my garage.  Surprised and angered by my interruption of its late night meal, the raccoon reacted by baring its teeth and snarling menacingly–much like liberals literally and metaphorically act when they smell defeat. 

A liberal low-life hacked into Mia Love’s Wikipedia page and posted  scurrilous comments about the African-American mayor of Saratoga Springs, Utah, GOP candidate for Congress, and Tuesday’s brilliant speaker at the RNC convention.  

Calling the conservative Ms. Love a “token,” an “Aunt Tom,” a  “House Nigger” and a “dirty, worthless whore” constituted a common instance of racist, leftist  misogyny and wasn’t unusual for our liberal friends. 

Yahoo News’ Washington bureau chief David Chalian once again betrayed the liberal taint of the media when he was overheard on a hot mic slandering the presumptive Republican nominee for president and his wife. 

The churlish Chalian remarked that Mitt and Ann Romney were “not concerned at all” and indeed were “happy to have a party [the convention] with black people drowning” because of tropical storm Isaac.  As disgusting as it was, his racist slur was not unusual for a liberal.  

That Yahoo fired Chalian doesn’t mitigate the unavoidable truth that  America’s left-wingers are largely composed of mean-spirited, misanthropic sickos who, confronted with an adverse reality–in this case the possibility that Barack Hussein Obama will be banished to Chicago next January–get even sicker.

They make snarling animals look good by comparison.

Adversity offers the opportunity to rise above failure and move on to better things or to rail at life’s unfairness, wallow in recriminations, and hurl epithets and slanders. 

Not known for possessing optimistic mindsets, liberals are vulnerable to railing and wallowing.  Rather than benefit from adversity as a learning experience, they use it as an excuse to lash out at actual and imagined enemies–just like cornered raccoons. 

I don’t refer to libs such as the overachieving, formerly pretty, perky Katie Couric who recently voiced her fury with CBS bigwigs for  “projecting their own issues onto me” since Couric says she felt “liberated” after being forced out of her anchor job on CBS’ “Evening News.” 

Nor am I referring to NBC’s “Today” hostess Ann Curry who claimed she was canned by network executives because they didn’t like her fashion sense and certainly not because of her lackluster, hosting shortcomings. 

While Couric’s and Curry’s complaints are attributable to plain, old mid-life bitchiness, as the Romney-Obama presidential race develops into a real horse race in which the president is looking more and more like an also-ran, liberals are showing clear signs of desperation by baring their fangs and exhibiting their notoriously heinous character.  

Long before the Wikipedia abuse of Mia Love and David Chalian’s abuse of the Romneys, liberals have been reflecting their election angst by abandoning whatever minimal pretense to civility and civil discourse they ever had.

For example, last winter Samuel L. Jackson revealed his true racist self in an expletive-laden, N-word-filled interview in Ebony. . .  (Read more at

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