Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Romney/Ryan Will Lose to Obama/Biden

Romney/Ryan Will Lose to Obama/Biden

It’s highly unlikely that Gov. Mitt Romney’s choice of Rep. Paul Ryan as his vice-presidential running mate will meaningfully affect the results of the fall election.   
As long as the Republican camp continues to follow the John McCain losing style of gentlemanly, gloves-on, above-the-fray politics, the Ryan pick won’t make a bloody bit of difference in the outcome on November 6th and Obama/Biden will win a second term. 
Sen. McCain’s chief mistake was not grasping the import of Barack Hussein Obama’s Chicago connections and his Windy City approach to gutter politics.  Obama made that approach to campaigning vividly clear four years ago at a Philadelphia fundraiser in June, 2008.  To counter Republican attacks, he threatened in classic Chicago fashion, “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.” 
Back in '09 Obama insulted  Presumably, Obama was speaking metaphorically but given Chicago’s reputation as the murder capital of America, who knows? 
The fight is now joined and unless someone frisks the candidates, Obama/Biden will blow Romney/Ryan out of the water.  Everyone knows that guns are far more effective than knives in a brawl, a hard lesson Sen. McCain learned when he chose the high road in 2008 by not getting down and dirty with the dirtiest politician since LBJ. 
During that campaign, McCain took the high road and lost to an inexperienced, unqualified, over-achieving upstart whose  vacuous promises of hopey-change, an ability to orate, and his semi-black race constituted his only advantages.  To date, Romney has pursued a similar route to defeat while Obama, ably assisted by his campaign and mainstream media henchmen, has lambasted him as a tax cheat, a felon, a murderer. 
Even Ann Romney has been subjected to media abuse and the Romneys’ Mormon religion has been thrown into the sick mix.
Barack Obama will stop at nothing to guaranty he gets the chance to exercise that “flexibility” he whispered about to Russian President Medvedev; Mitt Romney seems prepared to do nothing aside from expressing his indignation over Obamian lies and slanders, a sure-fire tactic for losing to a soul-less street fighter.      
McCain refused to make issues of Obama’s racist pastor of 20 years Rev. Jeremiah “God Damn America” Wright, Obama’s close ties. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=27578.)

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