Wednesday, August 15, 2012

CNN's Soledad O'Brien and Fareed Zakaria Exposed

CNN's Soledad O'Brien and Fareed Zakaria Exposed

CNN’s María de la Soledad Teresa O’Brien, aka Soledad O’Brien, is certainly better looking than CNN’s Fareed Rafiq Zakaria although as she approaches 50 years of age Ms. O’Brien should realize that serving as eye candy won’t always cut it even on Ted Turner’s liberal cable network. 
Not that they won’t fully recover but O’Brien and Zakaria have been outed as the over-achieving leftist hacks they have always been. 
In the lady’s case, she has again been revealed as nothing more than a nincompoopette newsreader and the Bombay native has been caught plagiarizing material for a column he wrote about gun control.  O’Brien escaped censure by her employer for being a consistent nimrod; Zakaria was suspended for a month by Time magazine and for an indefinite period by CNN for excerpting without attribution (stealing) the words of Jill Lepore.   
Are those the scents of favoritism and discrimination I detect in the air? 
Hardly! Good grief!  Neither Time and CNN would ever sink into politically incorrect sexism by favoring women over men no matter how dumb the woman is nor would they ever unfairly treat a naturalized American, presuming the woman and the new citizen were liberals.
  In any event, Soledad O’Brien’s sins were far less grievous than Fareed Zakaria’s.  CNN might very well consider them virtues rather than journalistic flaws.
Soledad merely borrowed the definition of Critical Race Theory from Wikipedia since she didn’t know anything about the black racist CRT, attacked the Paul Ryan House GOP Budget Plan using cribbed notes  from the left-wing blog “Talking Points” since she couldn’t come up with ideas of her own, and so embarrassed herself by mouthing Democrat lies concerning Medicare cuts that John Sununu was forced to suggest that she should “put an Obama bumper sticker on her forehead.”               
Sporting a bumper sticker anywhere on her face wouldn’t go over very well on television anymore than would Soledad’s admissions on CNN that she knew less about racist theories, Democrat budget distortions, and Republican Medicare proposals than Katie Couric knows about professional ethics.   
Fareed, however, is a whole other matter.  .  .

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