Sunday, August 19, 2012

Lost Hope and Gained Chains

Lost Hope and Gained Chains

obama divider(Via Hope n’ Change, on a tip from Shawn on

When President Barack Hussein Obama said with a straight face on “Entertainment Tonight” that ”I don’t think you or anybody who’s been watching the campaign would say that in any way we have tried to divide the country. We’ve always tried to bring the country together,” no one dared snicker and no one dared label him the lying hypocrite he is. 

Someone should have.  He was speaking in a fitting venue, entertainment, but he wasn’t remotely entertaining except to his diehard idolators who still think his every word emanates from an Anointed One.
-image-hope-and-change.jpg  In 2008, Barack Hussein Obama sold his candidacy to 52.9% of the electorate based on the designedly vague  rhetoric of bringing hope to a war-weary, financially shell-shocked nation and he offered a blurry pledge to effect transparent, presumably beneficial changes Americans could believe in. 

Four years later, with wars still raging in Afghanistan and in various other Mideast countries, with armed conflict on the cusp of erupting in others, and with an economy barely marginally improved, many of us have far less hope that this president can accomplish meaningful and worthwhile change over the
course of a second term. 

In fact, many of us believe government brought about the banking crisis by pressuring lending institutions to loan mortgage money to deadbeats who thought payback was optional and that, unlike Obama, thought government was the problem, not the solution.  Many of us also believed, unlike Obama, that the United States of America was and is a damned great country in need of at most minor tweaking rather than radical alteration.        

Hope-and-Change-Reagan.jpg  Not unexpectedly, what we got was more intrusive government, billions in phenomenal misspending, trillions  tacked onto our national debt which will impoverish our children and grandchildren, wildly imbalanced annual budgets, a first-ever downgrading of the nation’s credit rating, unprecedented and  dangerous changes in medical coverage, and less transparency than Tricky Dick Nixon could have ever envisioned.    

In all fairness, however, and despite the questionable merits of Obama’s “achievements”, let’s give the devil his due.  Obama has accomplished many of his unstated goals: 

.  The president has succeeded in dividing the nation like it hasn’t been divided since the 1860′s and he continues to pit race against race and class against class with his campaign of divisiveness as if his political future depends on it, which it does;

.  The president has demonized the peaceful, law-abiding tea party movement while lauding the destructive, lawless Occupy Everything crazies who represent everything law-abiding people abhor; . . .


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