Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Who's Yo Daddy, Barry?

Who's Yo Daddy, Barry?

A blurb for a dvd titled “Dreams from My Real Father, a Story of Reds and Deception” directed by filmmaker Joel Gilbert attracted my attention since so many of the supposed details  published in Barack  Hussein Obama’s two memoirs have been proven to be either imaginative fabrications or outright lies.

Furthermore, the authorship of both Dreams from My Father (1995, 2004) and The Audacity of Hope (2006) has been called into question by highly reputable textual and publishing fraud experts who strongly suspect Bill Ayers and other Obamabuddies wrote what our president claims he wrote.

Compound their doubts with the commonsensical queries of whether a 34 year old would write a memoir  or how a 45 year old would have the time to compose a 403 page book while serving as Illinois state senator and campaigning to become a United States senator and president without significant assistance and the issues of Obama’s credibility and honesty are called into question. 

Gilbert’s challenging Obama’s true parentage merely adds yet another strange fillip to the many mysteries concerning the background, education, and philosophical motivations of the most mysterious and easily the scariest president in American history.  
placeholder      The “Dreams from My Real Father” website, http://tiny.cc/3pmdjw, outlines what may best be described as an appeal to the American electorate to stand up and take notice of the grave mistake made four years ago and the far more severe gravity of repeating that mistake on November 6th. 

The documentary traces the career of the youthful Occidental College Marxist to and through evidently photo-shopped pictures depicting him with his white mother who oddly sports a large, black right hand where her small, white right hand should be. 

“Dreams from My Real Father” also alleges Barry’s mom Stanley Ann Dunham worked as an amateur porno queen during her younger years, an outrageous charge to make except for the inclusion of a video and still photos featuring a woman who if not Stanley Ann bears a remarkable resemblance to her. . .

(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=27708.)

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