Friday, August 17, 2012

America's One-Sided Race War, Part III

America's One-Sided Race War, Part III

The ostensibly vulgar word ”Niggerization” is apparently okay with left-wingers when spoken by a black man in the throes of villifying Mitt Romney for saying, “This is what an angry and desperate presidency looks like” and “Mr. President, take your campaign of division and anger and hate back to Chicago.” 

In an amazingly dumb rant on Thursday’s edition of MSNBC’s “The Cycle,” co-host Touré  Neblett interpreted Romney’s description of Barack Hussein Obama’s presidency and the governor’s suggestion that the Obama campaign is based on hatred and divisiveness as racist. 

  Touré, who goes by a single name since he perceives himself as much a star as Rihanna and Beyonce’ and Gaga, outlined his indignation over Romney: ”I mean, that really bothered me.  You notice he says anger twice.  He’s really trying to use racial coding and access some really deep stereotypes about the angry black man.  This is part of the playbook against Obama, the “otherization”; he’s not like us.  I know it’s a heavy thing to say,  I don’t say it lightly, but this is Niggerization.  You are not one of use [sic]. You are like the scary black man we’ve been trained to fear.” (

In addition to using a variation of the banned N-word, Touré’s Romney attacks are offensive on many other levels and his paranoia and ignorance are showing. 

“Anger” has evolved into code for “angry black man”?  Romney maintains a racist “playbook against Obama”?  Is “otherization” any more a word than “niggerization”?  Is Touré less qualified than Al Sharpton to serve as an MSNBC host?  Is Touré engaging in tactical “racewarization”?
  The uproar involving Joe Biden’s transparent effort to scare African-American voters into again voting en masse for Obama-Biden in November was unusual in that most of Obama’s mainstream media climbed on board to criticize hapless Joe, unlike their non-reaction to Touré.

However, there was a method to the madness of Obama’s MSM: They wanted to force Biden off the ticket to make room for Hillary Clinton in the Number Two spot.  They failed because they didn’t appreciate the depth of Mrs. Clinton’s ego (second place? gasp!) and that what the court clown said to his largely black audience in Danville, Virginia, “They gonna put y’all back in chains”, was merely vintage Biden. 

To be sure, as Douglas Wilder the first black governor in America noted, The Bumbler’s comment was racist but Biden often makes racist remarks and the MSM rarely gets exercised by such comments by people in the public eye–as long as those people are liberals and/or blacks like Touré. 
The mainstreamers, lamestreamers to Sarah Palin, weren’t at all perturbed by Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan warning to whites that, “We know your origin in the world.  We know how long you were set to live.  And unless you change, your end has come.” 

New Black Panther Party  The MSM weren’t in the least concerned over New Black Panther Party Minister King Shamir Ahabaz telling blacks, “You want freedom?  You’re gonna have to kill some crackers!  You’re gonna have to kill some of their babies!” 

The lamestreamers never took notice of candidate Obama's oblique racist strategizing in 2008, “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.”  

The beat goes on and the incendiary black rhetoric grows more vicious in America’s one-sided race war.
Encouraged by the president of the United States allowing our attorney general to disgrace the Department of Justice by converting it into a black racist defense agency, by Obama’s falsely accusing a white Cambridge, Massachusetts cop of stupidity for enforcing the law, by his taking sides in the George Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin case, and by virtue of numerous other twisted executive branch decisions and  decrees, the New Black Panther Party is becoming more ballsy in its militant threats. . .


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