Saturday, September 1, 2012

Sick Liberal Puppies--Part Two

Sick Liberal Puppies--Part Two

Part One of “Sick Liberal Puppies” referenced the racist defacement of Amy Love’s  Wikipedia page, Yahoo’s David Chalian’s racist observation that the Romneys party while Tropical Storm Isaac drowned black people, Samuel L. Jackson’s racist admission that he voted for Obama only because he was black and regrets that Isaac spared the GOP convention in Tampa from disaster, and Ellen Barkin’s tweeted death wishes for Republicans.  

Various themes pervade those comments, the chief of which is a palpable, snarling hatred for themselves or others, an emotion at the foundation of liberalism although libs will never admit it.  Nor will the folks at Facebook and Twitter concede they harbor a fierce antipathy toward conservatives and Republican principles although they have become favorite vehicles for leftist-liberals to spew their sick venom. 

Facebook boasts of “community standards” forbiding users from “credibly (threatening) harm to others, or (organizing) acts of real-world violence” yet Facebook permitted ”Kill Mitt Romney” and “Kill Paul Ryan” pages and featured a “Kill Romney” page for 17 days before removing it. 
Assassinating Republicans is apparently not credibly threatening or sufficiently violent to the Facebook community. 

The much-delayed Facebook selective enforcement of its standards forced amateur liberal-leftist hate-mongers onto Twitter where they were free to post their pale but still vile imitations of the invective of professional leftist-liberal haters like Bill Maher, Ed Schultz, Chris Matthews, et al.

For example, twisted lib twit “Gregory Martinez” tweeted, “I want to murder Ann Romney right now. NO PATRIOT ACT!!! #RNC”, “Ashley Miller” encouraged Mrs. Romney to commit suicide (“Ann Romney, go kill yourself”), a weirdo named ”Connor” raved, “Ann romney: Kill yourself”, and ”Jersey Omerta OO7″ inquired, “Why does Ann Romney act like an average mom? B**ch kill yourself, you had maids take care of your f***ing kids.”

I know that those are random comments.  I also know those are the thoughts and hopes of people who fervently want Mr. Civility, Barack Hussein Obama, re-elected president, as does Code Pink Women for Peace, a group that on one occasion provided comic relief from the usual non-comedic liberal-leftist haters.

For those not aware, Code Pink is an extremist, pro-green, pro-Palestinian, anti-Republican, anti-American . . .

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