Saturday, September 15, 2012

Flaming Muslims Burn Obama

Flaming Muslims Burn Obama

Senator Barack Hussein Obama on November 21, 2007: ”The Day I’m Inaugurated, Muslim Hostility Will Ease.”  President Barack Hussein Obama February, 2012 ”“One of the proudest things of my three years in office is helping to restore a sense of respect for America around the world.” (I guess that would depend on your definitions of “ease”, “hostility”, and “respect”.)
Joseph Andoni Massad, Palestinian-born associate professor of Modern Arab Politics at New York’s Columbia University, is said to have coined the term “Arab Spring,” suggesting that the upheavals in the Arab world over the winter of 2010, upheavals lauded by President Barack Hussein Obama, foreshadowed a fortuitous rebirth of Islamic culture and governance.

The misnamed Arab Spring didn’t result in rebirth but, to one degree or another, it did spread like a biblical  plague to Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain, Syria, Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Morocco, Lebanon, Mauritania, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Djibouti, Mali, and Western Sahara.
Those protests have been more aptly labeled an Arab Revolution and as an Arab Intifada (Insurrection). 

The Arab Spring is more akin to a Muslim revolt against a reality many of the world’s 1.2 billion adherents to Islam realize in their hearts but refuse to articulate.   They know their culture, their way of life, and their belief system haven’t progressed in 700 years, an unfortunate truth that tends to make a people very frustrated–and extremely pissed off. 

The Roman Catholic Church stopped torturing and killing heretics half a millenium ago; Muslims still do it.  Slavery was abolished centuries ago; Muslims still practice it.  Scientific advancement has continued in the Western World for centuries; Islam still considers modern science as a corrupt Western creation, Iran forbids the teaching of foreign languages, and Iranian medical schools forbid human dissection, presumably believing frog bodies are good enough to learn about human bodies.   

To compensate for their inadequacies, like infants deprived of attention who scream in protest, Arab Islamists are screaming, rioting, demonstrating, and burning allegedly because of a puerile 18 minute film depicting the Holy Prophet of the Religion of Peace as a madman and child molestor, among other things. 

“Innocence of Muslims” may be a dumb, infantile movie but is it untruthful? 

After all, just because a guy founded and preached a religion predicated on murderous violence and mayhem, is that sufficient cause to brand him a madman?  And, just because Mohammad “married” his eight year old “bride,” Aisha bint Abu Bakr, does that make him a child predator?  And, just because Islam is replete with proven historical instances of mindless violence against friend and enemy alike, does that make Muslims exceptional?  

Damned right it does!  . . . 

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