Monday, September 10, 2012

"2016:Obama's America"--Rated NRC

"2016 Obama's America"--Rated NRC

The Motion Picture Association of America assigned a PG rating to the Dinesh D’Souza-Gerald R. Molen political documentary “2016: Obama’s America” due to ”thematic elements, brief language and smoking images”.  

After seeing the film, I can unequivocably say the MPAA missed the ratings boat.  “2016″ deserves an entirely new classification: “NRC–Not Recommended for Conservatives” due to redundancy and disturbing reality.

The film is redundant in that most conservatives have long been aware that the election of Barack Hussein Obama in 2008 was the unfortunate,  intended consequence of a meticulously-orchestrated joint Democrat Party/MSM scam designed to install an extreme leftist in the most powerful office on Earth by concealing the truth about his heritage, his family, his associations, and his education. 

AP: 274a4ae5-f3fb-445f-9d7c-356dd4c354cb  For my part, the only exception to the old news quality of 2016 was the inclusion of an interview of Obama’s
impoverished half-brother George Obama who still lives in a miniscule shack outside Nairobi, Kenya.  Millionaire Barack shamelessly preaches that we are indeed our brothers’ keepers and lives in mansion yet hasn’t offered to do a damned thing to help out poor George. 

You see, Barack’s Kenyan, half-sibling fundamentally disagrees with his rich, half-black American president on certain issues and for that reason can rot in his Kenyan hut-hell.    

“2016″ is also not recommended for conservatives because, although most knew some of the hidden and damning details concerning Obama’s background and beliefs, to have those disturbing facts concentrated in 89 minutes on the silver screen can literally be overwhelming.  I heard and saw a number of audience members weeping during and after the screening. 

As one exiting, crying moviegoer, no doubt a member of that dastardly tea party, observed to my wife, “That bastard has to go!”  I just hope she wasn’t referring to me!  

The audience were not shaken as much by the film’s content as by the suggestions of what America will be like a mere four years down the road should Obama be re-elected.  To all but his most ardent admirers who still fondly regard him as the nation’s savior, Obama’s America in 2016 is not a pretty picture. 

(For more details see “2016 Obama’s America”: and watch D’Souza deftly dismantle foul-mouthed Bill Maher’s objections to the truths in the film:   

Predictably panned by the same mainstream media that elected Obama, ”2016″ has been characterized. . .  (Read more at

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