Saturday, September 29, 2012

Obama's Chief Constituency

Obama's Chief Constituency

  President Barack Hussein Obama has a number of powerful and loyal constituencies in his camp, ranging from white guilters to the homosexual lobby to food stampers to labor unions and to the Jewish lobby, all of whom–except for those belatedly suffering from white guilt and Jewish voters–have benefited greatly from Obama’s policies over the past 3 3/4 years. 

However, none of those voting blocs have been more faithful to the president than African-Americans most of whom still support him even though, like the white guilters and Jews, he has done nothing worthwhile for them.   Growing black unemployment and poverty rates to historic levels is hardly a plus.

The millions of whites who voted for Obama in 2008 out of a bizarre, misplaced guilt over slavery or because they felt it was time for a minority to rule the country have been rewarded with a blatantly racist administration and Jews who voted for him mainly because they have always voted Democrat have been rewarded with an overt antipathy toward Israel. 

Still, in a sad commentary on America’s electorate, it looks as if the majority of those two groups will cast their ballots for more of the same on November 6th.

I guess some people just enjoy being abused.

Even sadder is the case of African-Americans who by all accounts will vote for Obama based on the fact he is one of their own, sort of.

It’s doubtful the president will again win 95% of their vote but close to 90% is still a safe bet despite the 3,700 member Coalition of Black Pastors condemnation of his “evolved” position on same-sex marriage. 

Angry Samuel L Jackson. Toilet  Black actor Samuel L. Jackson, black Brooklyn rapper Jay-Z, an unidentified black woman protesting against Mitt Romney in Cleveland, even white entertainer Madonna all back Obama, Jackson and Jay-Z because he’s semi-black, the protestor because he gave her a free cell phone, and Madonna because she’s losing her marbles and believes “We have a black Muslim in the White House.”

Barack Hussein Obama may be a lot of things but to my knowledge he hasn’t joined crazy Louis Farrakhan’s crazier Nation of Islam as of September 30th, 2012. 

Maybe after November.

  Another known crazy, Sirius XM shock jock Howard Stern, occasionally meanders into shocking, political reality.  Last week, Stern dispatched his field crew, Sal and Richard, to Harlem . . .

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