Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Why Do Black Voters Tolerate Racist Democrats?

Why Do Black Voters Tolerate Racist Democrats?

Why do black voters tolerate racist Democrats such as Bill Clinton and Joe Biden? 

I have no idea.  Habit?

William Jefferson Blythe Clinton is scheduled to deliver the keynote speech at the Democrat National Convention on Wednesday. It’s doubtful America’s scandalized 42nd president will mention his impeachment or his Oral Office encounters with Monica Lewinsky any more than he will comment on his observation to the late Ted Kennedy that ”A few years ago, this guy [Obama] would have been carrying our bags.”

Say what? 

That racist observation might seem like a Republican smear of Clinton but it’s far from it.  It appeared in a 2008 article by Ryan Lizza in the arch-liberal NewYorker magazine outlining the Clinton camp’s vicious attacks on Obama during the dirty 2008 Democrat primary campaign. 

Fortuitously in time for the Charlotte convention, Lizza clarified Clinton’s words of just four years ago by telling  CNN’s Soledad O’Brien that “I don’t think it’s racial.  I don’t think Bill Clinton has a racist bone in his body.” 

Of course not !  Bull Connor and Elijah Muhammad never had a a racist in their bodies either so how could ”America’s first black president,” according to Toni Morrison, (a designation later retracted), a semi-progressive Democrat who was supported by the vast majority of African-American voters in 1992 and 1996, cast such a nasty racist aspersion on Obama? 
Picture Comparison of Joe Biden and Paul Ryan 

For that matter, how could then-Democrat senator Joe Biden describe Obama in 2008 as “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy” and still be picked by Obama as his running mate? 

Weren’t Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson articulate, bright, clean, nice-looking African-Americans when they ran for president, Mr. Biden?  

Isn’t it as racist to single out Obama as a somehow special African-American simply because he can speak well, is smart, bathes regularly, and doesn’t scare dogs and small kids by his looks as racist as Bubba saying Obama would be an obsequious hotel or airport baggage-handler “a few years ago”?

Maybe during those relatively few years a sea change occurred in the racist thinking of  the Democrat Party during which Dems refined their racism by electing an African-American as president rather than regarding Obama as exceptional since he’s smart, clean, etc. and the equivalent of one of those guys at airports who extort payments for labors a well-trained chimp could perform. . . 

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