Monday, September 24, 2012

"All This Just for a Damn Flag?"--Michelle Obama

"All This Just for a Damn Flag?"--Michelle Obama

The Two American Flags
I’ve been told it’s merely a dastardly rumor that First Lady Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama disdainfully whispered to President Barack Hussein Obama  during solemn ceremonies observing the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 Islamic terrorist attacks on the United States, “All this just for a damn flag?” and the POTUS  supposedly reacted with a sneering nod and facial expression unmistakably denoting agreement with the FLOTUS’ contempt. 

In the brief clip from a year ago, which somehow went un-reported by the mainstream media, Lady O is seen turning to her husband and mouthing  something sotto voce to him as the mournful strains of bagpipes are heard in the background. 

In case the reader didn’t hear the bagpipes and see Michelle’s mouthing, catch the clip here .  Another site shows the scene in three speeds
9/11  Over the past year, precisely what Mrs. Obama said has been disputed by the Obama Camp which denies she could possibly be so shallow, insensitive, and disrespectful toward the emblem of the United States of America by saying “All this just for a damn flag?” as if honoring America’s flag at a September 11th  commemoration could ever be problematic. 

Even more outrageous is that the president could concur with her.  

In the public interest and in my ceaseless quest for truth, justice, and the American way, I wouldn’t post the YouTube links without verifying what the woman who finally became proud of her country four years ago at the age of 44 had really said. 

I therefore turned to a trusted family member, a highly-experienced speech therapist skilled in lip reading, to determine what the FLOTUS whispered to the POTUS while the nation was remembering the horrors of September 11th, 2001. 

After a painstaking review of the videos and reading Lady O’s lips, our family speech therapist concluded . . .

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