Friday, September 28, 2012

Interpreting Four Winkers

Interpreting Four Winkers

A knowing wink can denote many things and connote far more. recently featured an un-related collection of four notable winkers– President Barack Hussein Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barack’s wife First Lady Michelle Obama, and Russian  tyrant Vladimir Putin, all of whom share the common trait of being proven dissemblers.

Now, interpreting the meaning–if any–behind a wink or a nod is an iffy proposition but making educated guesses on what the winker was contemplating based on his or her past history, future aspirations, and known personality is very possible and not mere idle speculation.

  It’s not known to or at whom the president was winking in his Drudge picture but, considering his ambitions and constant campaigning and fund raising, he is clearly reflecting approbation or agreement probably with someone on the Obama re-election team since winning four more years has been Obama’s fixation for the past 3 3/4 years.  

Still, it’s a grimacing wink, possibly indicative of his awareness that he has screwed up royally and that his background primarily as a radical community organizer hardly qualified him for the presidency in the first place.  It certainly couldn’t reflect Obama’s discomfort with his plans to sell out our country to the Russians when he has more “flexibility” because that realization would make him grin, not grimace. (See below)
  Hillary Clinton is famous for a number of questionable accomplishments but friendly winks aren’t among them.  In fact, her Drudge-photo is more suggestive of a grandmother in urgent need of Gas-X than it suggests any degree of friendliness. 

Hillary’s gastrointestinal issues may be attributable to a grudging acceptance that daughter Chelsea will never bless her with a grandchild or, more likely, to a gnawing regret that she now works for a man both she and her hubby  consider incompetent and that, in 2016, she will be almost as old as John McCain was in 2008. 

Maybe poor Hillary would have been better off had she “stayed home and baked cookies and had teas,” as she said 20 years ago.  It’s conceivable that she might have been able to protect Bill from the sexual ravages of that orally-obsessed tart Monica Lewinsky. . .

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