Monday, September 17, 2012

The Slippery Slope toward Sodom (Part One)

The Slippery Slope toward Sodom (Part One)

Along with “kick the can down the road” and “throw him under the bus”, the clichéd phrase “slippery slope” is often misused and overused.  What particular ”can”, “road”, “bus”, or “slope” are we talking about? 

Still, few expressions better capture the essence of what’s been going on in America over the course of the last few years than the image conjured up by the expression ”slippery slope”.  Apply some imagination and the term connotes the sense of an inexorable, national slide down from a majestic peak into a noisome swamp.  

Only those totally oblivious of reality would deny that our nation has been rapidly slipping, sliding, even plummeting from a variety of high and lofty pinnacles achieved over centuries into various treacherous political, cultural, and moral swamps.  Not the least of that slippage is our rapid descent into an immoral morass at the bottom of which is national oblivion. 

From the point of view of a layman and not a religious minister–and hardly a moralistic, moralizing layman at that–to deny the United States of America has radically changed in almost every way over the last four years is to deny the truth of your lying eyes.  To deny America is on the path to becoming a modern-day Sodom represents an excursion into a fool’s paradise of the worst order.     

Understandably, few of us think much about Genesis’  gory details of the obliteration of Sodom and Gomorrah, ancient cities  destroyed because of gross and grossly un-repentant sins against God and nature committed by their residents.  According to the Old Testament, Sodom and Gomorrah were reduced to ashes because they had become the quintessential antitheses of what the Almighty planned when He created our universe and our planet.

By all Hebrew, Christian and Muslim accounts, fire and brimstone rained down on Sodom and Gomorrah reducing them to ashes and Lot’s wife was subsequently reduced to a pillar of salt.  The cities were universally populated by evil people  and Lot’s unfortunate wife became a human salt lick due to her insatiable curiosity.  

There are many degrees and types of evil and the specific nature of Sodomite evil is rarely detailed today since it’s politically incorrect to identify the precise cause of Sodom’s destruction as rampant homosexuality.  That cause is illustrated by this passage from Genesis 19:5: ”Then all the men of the city surrounded Lot’s house and said, ‘Where are the men who came to you tonight?  Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.’ “ 

Lot offered to give Sodom’s homosexuals his two virgin daughters instead, a very generous offer the mob furiously rejected and tried to break down his door to get at the male visitors inside.  What happened to those visitors is unclear but the Lot family fled and the rest is biblical history.  

However, back to the matter at hand, America’s dismal swamp where homosexuals and other deviants don’t need to break down doors to get at their prey.  Our culture has become so immersed in every variety of sexual depravity that the depraved need only advertise on Craig’s List or to find their victims. 

The homosexual rape and torture of 13 year old Jesse Dirkhising in 1999 is a prime example not only of depradation but of the media’s complicity in such evil by selective reporting which effectively condones the evil.  TIME magazine published an article back then that would never make it into MSM print today. 

“Why One Murder Makes Page One and Another Is Lost in the News Briefs” attempted to explain . . .


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