Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Election 2012: Polls and Lies

Election 2012: Polls and Lies

Jim Lehrer 1 - MR. PRESIDENT your time is up� (Picture compliments of IOwntheWorld.com)

When whiny, old Dave Obamalackey Letterman makes snarky jokes about the president after months of mocking Romney, you can smell a change in the election air.

With four weeks to go before Barack Hussein Obama and his henchmen dispatch their Black Panther storm troopers to intimidate white voters again and try to steal the election after years of deceiving his supporters and months of misrepresenting Mitt Romney, it’s obvious the political worm is gradually turning.

Besides Letterman, there are a number of other indicators suggesting Obama and his ilk will lose big time on November 6th and be denied the opportunity to subvert our country further and once more fool a plurality into casting their ballots for an egomaniacal, radical socialist.
.� Last week, the Military Times announced that its poll of 3100 active and reserve troops shows the core of the U.S. military favors Mitt Romney over President Obama by a whopping 66% to 26% based on the economy and the candidates character.
.� On Monday, Zogby Analytics gave Romney a 3% lead on national security and a 6% percent advantage on jobs and the economy.
.� On Tuesday, Rasmussen reported that the challenger has moved ahead in all 11 swing states.
Why any rational individual voted for Obama in 2008 has long been a mystery to me.  Why anyone could entertain the vaguest notion of voting for him in 2012 is beyond mysterious and enters the realm of fantastical absurdity.

In view of the continuing, sorry state of the economy, the undermining of our national integrity following revelations that the administration sacrificed the lives of four Americans in Benghazi on the altars of Islamic appeasement and political correctness, the utter failure of Obama’s approach to the Arab Spring, the gender, racial, and class divisiveness he has created, the only explanation for Obama’s re-nomination is that the Democrat Party has lost its collective mind, probably as a consequence of its loss of interest in America’s future.
It’s no wonder the White House has virtually ended daily press briefings. Even Jay Carney has his lying limits.
In a highly significant political worm-turning, the president has seemingly lost one of his prime hole cards. For the most part, his race card is working just fine but he apparently is losing the ridiculous War on Women card. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=28240)

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Grading the Eye-Candy Man's Debate

Grading the Eye-Candy Man's Debate

The first debate between the two antagonists vying for the privilege to lead the United States of America for the next four years, each intending to impress the American electorate with his intelligence, knowledge, and expertise, represented not only a crushing blow to Barack Hussein Obama’s re-election prospects. 

It also stands as yet another exposé of his fundamental ineptitude and his outrageous pretensions to being the much-heralded, most brilliant, and most articulate president in our nation’s history. 

  In fact, absent his teleprompters which his handlers customarily use to dictate everything he says and how he says it, Obama came across as an ignorant dolt serving far above his pay grade and totally unqualified to speak intelligently, let alone serve as president. 

When my son was a freshman at Penn State, his professor in a public speaking class assigned his first speech a C- and explained his reason for the low grade: My son had used the “uh-word” excessively, a sign he either hadn’t prepared well enough, that he wasn’t confident in the speech’s contents, or that he knew he was wrong in what he said.

BuzzFeed.com has compiled an amusing/scary video collection of our scholar-president’s wasted 51 seconds repeatedly uttering the “uh-word.” 

A lousy overall performance anyway, it would have been awarded a D+ at best by my son’s prof based on his “uhs” alone. . . 
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=28319.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Snoop Dog's Doggy Doo-Doo

Snoop Dog's Doggy Doo-Doo

  The ever-classy Calvin Cordozar Broadus, Jr. who lately goes by the name Snoop Lion after dumping Doggy Dogg and Snoop Dogg has added another title to his already impressive résumé: Presidential Political Analyst.   

The oft-imprisoned Calvin instagrammed a purloined list of the 10 reasons he’s not voting for Mitt Romney and 10 reasons he is voting for Barack Obama, all of which vividly demonstrate his incisively awesome capacity to insightfully analyze the candidates.  

All 20 represent more than sufficient, substantive information for undecideds to decide who gets their votes on November 6th.

1005_snoop_votes2   Among Snoop Lion’s very cogent observations on Romney is that ”He a white n*****r” and the “muthaf*****s  name is Mitt” (repeated for emphasis), that “He a ho” who “looks like he say n****r all the time,” that “He a Mormon who ain’t got hoes,” and he reminds Calvin “of every boss I ever hated,” all reasons enough for the Snoopster’s threat, “Bitch I will beat the s**t out of you.” 

Calvin also includes Ann Romney in his critique, pointing out “Bitch got a dancing horse.”

Snoop Lion may not think much of the Romneys but he is enthralled by the Obamas. 
He wears a durag like me  As contrasted with the Mittster, that Barack, “He a black n****r,” “mad cool,” “He wears a durag just like me” and uses the same hair clippers, he hugged and sniffed Beyonce’, smokes Newports and “I seen that n****r hoop before and he got a jumper.” 

He accords the president’s wife . . .  (http://tiny.cc/rz1rlw

(Editor’s note: The Snoopster didn’t use asterisks. . . 

(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=28337.)

Friday, October 5, 2012

The Insidious Popsicle Threat to Islamic Virtue

The Insidious Popsicle Threat to Islamic Virtue

Islam-05  Adherents to the Muslim faith, a faith to which our president has sworn he does not adhere, believe in some odd things as contrasted with what Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, and members of just about every other religion on the planet believe. 

Muslims also seem to think evil is lurking everywhere except, of course, when devout Islamists murder infidels, a central precept endorsed and encouraged in the Holy Koran because it’s a wonderful thing to slay non-Muslims in the name of Allah and jihad. 

In addition, it’s perfectly acceptable to issue death warrants for apostates, to brutally rape  journalists like  Lara Logan and Natsha Smith, to conduct a virtual rape epidemic in Oslo, to firebomb Charlie Hebdo because they don’t like the publication, and to commit various and multiple other atrocities. 
  But, back to popsicles. 

To certain Muslims, popsicles are a creation of the devil . . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=28297.)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Obama Videos and Black Racism

The Obama Videos and Black Racism

Now that the first presidential debate is over and even the Left agrees the contender creamed the incumbent, it should be pointed out that Romney trounced Obama without ever using his best punch–video evidence that the president is a black racist.  

By now just about everyone has heard about the video of then-Senator Barack Hussein Obama in which he alleged that the slow response to the ravages caused by Hurricane Katrina was motivated not by incompetence but by white racism against the black population of New Orleans. 

Some readers may have seen a 4-minute clip from Obama’s speech and a few may have seen his entire 36-minute, 22 second, 2007 address to a largely-black audience at Hampton University.  For those who missed the latter, it can be seen here, along with specifics on his racist diatribe: (http://tinyurl.com/92ketk7

Also, do see a shocking side-by-side video comparison of what Obama said to blacks in 2007 versus what he said to the nation during the last campaign as he hypocritically preached race-neutrality. 

Suffice to say, Senator Obama’s rhetoric and speech patterns when he spoke at Hampton University were markedly different from candidate Obama’s rhetoric and manner when he spoke to a diverse national audience. 

The two videos graphically clarify the issue of “Who is the real Obama?”  He is clearly not a race healer, he’s more akin to the stereotypical angry black man. http://tinyurl.com/8kb5l7t   

However, the words the president chose five and four years ago and how he expressed them do serve a worthwhile purpose: They finally make vividly clear what many of us have believed since 2008, namely that Obama doesn’t much like white people and that America has been engaged in an undeclared race war ever since he took office.  

Demonstrating abject ignorance, the best-defense-is-a-good-offense strategy, or both, in an amazing display of misleading chutzpa, a deputy editor of the Washington Post’s editorial page wrote that “racism could sway the [presidential] election.” 

That view is eminently defensible. The chutzpa enters the scenario with Colbert King’s distorted opinion based entirely on disturbed social media rants, a miniscule sampling of fruitcakes. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=28249.)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Obama's Latest Travesties

Obama's Latest Travesties

Thanks to his mainstream media’s cover-ups and minimization of his countless gaffes, his intentional wrecking of the economy, and his monumental domestic and foreign policy failures, many Americans are oblivious or have become inured to the president’s ineptitude and outright lies, none of which ignorance changes the reality of who and what Barack Hussein Obama is and what he has done to America. 

From the abomination of Obamacare to broken pledges to radical positions on abortion and same-sex marriage to creating a national, racial cauldron to alienating our allies to kowtowing to the Muslim world to directing the most secretive and divisive administration since Richard Nixon’s, Obama has re-defined presidential failure and presidential malevolence. 

Bar none, the election of Barack Hussein Obama four years ago stands out as the greatest travesty in the history of our great republic. 

Not even the Civil War with its estimated 623,000 casualties or the terrible carnage of World War Two compare to what has happened to the United States beginning on January 20th, 2009.  We recovered from those conflicts but may never recover from the effects of having an extreme, socialistic president committed to destroying our country and our values.

It is also becoming clearer by the day that Obama’s re-election will seal our fate as a nation which was once a shining light for the world that devolved into a second-rate power.

Just consider the events of  the last three weeks: 

1. By all accounts, America’s commander-in-chief virtually authorized the assassination of an American ambassador.   

Apprised of threats to Chris Stevens’ life at least 24 hours before the Benghazi attack and aware that our Benghazi consulate had requested more security after 13 previous attacks and threats, neither Obama nor Secretary of State Clinton did anything to warn Stevens of another imminent attack.  They both chose instead to blame a terrorist murder on an inconsequential movie. 

Even after White House Press Secretary Jay Carney admitted it was an “evident” act of  terrorism, the president addressed the U.N. and attributed the assault to the lame movie no one had seen;    

2. The “Fast and Furious” operation, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives gun-running scheme overseen by Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder which gave thousands of deadly weapons to Mexican drug cartels has been in the news for years and resulted in the murder of border patrol agent, Brian Terry. 

Now, Spanish language Univision has gone where the Obama-Holder Justice Department has refused to go by investigating how extensive the deaths resulting from the botched “Fast and Furious” debacle actually were and airing a detailed video as indisputable proof. . .
(Read more at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=28262.)