Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Ugly War Against Women

The Ugly War Against Women

This unrelenting war against women must stop and the misogynists waging it must be punished! 

It was bad enough when Rush Limbaugh criticized law student/liberal political agitator Sandra Fluke for wanting taxpayers to pay for her birth control so that she didn’t have to lay out fifty cents or a buck for a condom.  Okay, in her case poor Sandra needed a bunch of bucks since she seems to be exceptionally frisky.

Betty Friedan  Ruth Bader Ginsburg was  Whoopi Goldberg's Despicable  It was bad enough that Limbaugh has said repeatedly over the years that “Feminism was established to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream.”  Okay, he may have a valid point there considering such feminist icons as Betty Friedan, Ruth Ginsburg, Whoopi Goldberg, et al. 

Nevertheless, to make a blanket statement that liberal Democrat women are uglier than Republican women is way beyond the pale and outrageously sexist as well as emblematic of how far some people will go, of how low they will go, in the ongoing war against the fair sex.

However, it was not Limbaugh who said liberal women were unattractive but a study by two female University of California Los Angeles researchers, Kerri Johnson and Colleen Carpinella has found that they are. 

The researchers concluded after careful study that ”Female politicians with stereotypically feminine facial features are more likely to be Republican than Democrat” and that ”Female politicians with less stereotypically feminine facial features were more likely to be Democrats, and the more liberal their voting record, the greater the distance the politician’s appearance strayed from stereotypical gender norms.” . . . 

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Obama's Chief Constituency

Obama's Chief Constituency

  President Barack Hussein Obama has a number of powerful and loyal constituencies in his camp, ranging from white guilters to the homosexual lobby to food stampers to labor unions and to the Jewish lobby, all of whom–except for those belatedly suffering from white guilt and Jewish voters–have benefited greatly from Obama’s policies over the past 3 3/4 years. 

However, none of those voting blocs have been more faithful to the president than African-Americans most of whom still support him even though, like the white guilters and Jews, he has done nothing worthwhile for them.   Growing black unemployment and poverty rates to historic levels is hardly a plus.

The millions of whites who voted for Obama in 2008 out of a bizarre, misplaced guilt over slavery or because they felt it was time for a minority to rule the country have been rewarded with a blatantly racist administration and Jews who voted for him mainly because they have always voted Democrat have been rewarded with an overt antipathy toward Israel. 

Still, in a sad commentary on America’s electorate, it looks as if the majority of those two groups will cast their ballots for more of the same on November 6th.

I guess some people just enjoy being abused.

Even sadder is the case of African-Americans who by all accounts will vote for Obama based on the fact he is one of their own, sort of.

It’s doubtful the president will again win 95% of their vote but close to 90% is still a safe bet despite the 3,700 member Coalition of Black Pastors condemnation of his “evolved” position on same-sex marriage. 

Angry Samuel L Jackson. Toilet  Black actor Samuel L. Jackson, black Brooklyn rapper Jay-Z, an unidentified black woman protesting against Mitt Romney in Cleveland, even white entertainer Madonna all back Obama, Jackson and Jay-Z because he’s semi-black, the protestor because he gave her a free cell phone, and Madonna because she’s losing her marbles and believes “We have a black Muslim in the White House.”

Barack Hussein Obama may be a lot of things but to my knowledge he hasn’t joined crazy Louis Farrakhan’s crazier Nation of Islam as of September 30th, 2012. 

Maybe after November.

  Another known crazy, Sirius XM shock jock Howard Stern, occasionally meanders into shocking, political reality.  Last week, Stern dispatched his field crew, Sal and Richard, to Harlem . . .

Friday, September 28, 2012

Interpreting Four Winkers

Interpreting Four Winkers

A knowing wink can denote many things and connote far more. recently featured an un-related collection of four notable winkers– President Barack Hussein Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barack’s wife First Lady Michelle Obama, and Russian  tyrant Vladimir Putin, all of whom share the common trait of being proven dissemblers.

Now, interpreting the meaning–if any–behind a wink or a nod is an iffy proposition but making educated guesses on what the winker was contemplating based on his or her past history, future aspirations, and known personality is very possible and not mere idle speculation.

  It’s not known to or at whom the president was winking in his Drudge picture but, considering his ambitions and constant campaigning and fund raising, he is clearly reflecting approbation or agreement probably with someone on the Obama re-election team since winning four more years has been Obama’s fixation for the past 3 3/4 years.  

Still, it’s a grimacing wink, possibly indicative of his awareness that he has screwed up royally and that his background primarily as a radical community organizer hardly qualified him for the presidency in the first place.  It certainly couldn’t reflect Obama’s discomfort with his plans to sell out our country to the Russians when he has more “flexibility” because that realization would make him grin, not grimace. (See below)
  Hillary Clinton is famous for a number of questionable accomplishments but friendly winks aren’t among them.  In fact, her Drudge-photo is more suggestive of a grandmother in urgent need of Gas-X than it suggests any degree of friendliness. 

Hillary’s gastrointestinal issues may be attributable to a grudging acceptance that daughter Chelsea will never bless her with a grandchild or, more likely, to a gnawing regret that she now works for a man both she and her hubby  consider incompetent and that, in 2016, she will be almost as old as John McCain was in 2008. 

Maybe poor Hillary would have been better off had she “stayed home and baked cookies and had teas,” as she said 20 years ago.  It’s conceivable that she might have been able to protect Bill from the sexual ravages of that orally-obsessed tart Monica Lewinsky. . .

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Liberal Poll Dancing

Liberal Poll Dancing

Mark Twain’s famous line effectively equating ”lies, damned lies, and statistics” could have included “and political polls, too!”

Pole dancing isn't reserved  It’s doubtful either Mitt Romney or Barack Hussein Obama are much into “Sopranos”-style pole dancing but it’s sure as tootin’ that the Obama team and his media surrogates have been dancing around opinion polls as if they were maypoles and reveling in their ability to manipulate them like gyrating strippers while pretending they’re not campaigning for Obama’s re-election.  

The myriad polls this election season generally have Obama beating Romney by a few points, except for those reporting the governor beating the president by a few and others showing it’s pretty much a horse race. 

We don’t hear about the latter two, however.

The obvious point is that opinions recorded six weeks before Election Day are about as meaningful and reliable as the promises Obama made in 2008 yet the polls showing he will win in November are interpreted by the MSM as absolutely, indisputably accurate indicators of Obama’s victory. 

Polls can be and often are skewed by pollsters in order to arrive at their desired results, a ploy now being  used by liberals to persuade the electorate that the president is a shoo-in on November 6th to dissuade Republicans from even bothering to vote. 

If it were not such a momentous election, the recent poll indicating Obama is leading Romney by 49 to 42 percent among NASCAR enthusiasts could be seen as comical.

Now, granted Mitt probably has as little real interest as Barack in Richard Petty and Jeff Gordon but to conclude that predominantly right wing  NASCAR aficionados favor by seven percentage points the radical Obama over the quasi-conservative, middle-of-the-roader Romney suggests the pollsters were on drugs, drunk, out to make a statement on the election, or all of the above. 

Dick Morris, a known toe-sucker but nevertheless an astute political analyst,  capsulized the poll situation in his recent piece titled “Mitt Romney Pulls Ahead.” 

He wrote, “The published polling in this year’s presidential race is unusually inaccurate because this is the first election in which who votes determines how they vote.  Obama’s massive leads among blacks, Latinos, young people, and single women vie with Romney’s margin among the elderly, married white women, and white men.” 

Morris clarified that view by pointing out that ”most pollsters are using [deceptive] 2008 party preferences to weight their 2012 survey samples.”  (

Closely related to the underhanded tactic of twisting poll findings is the manipulation of the news by the liberal mainstreamers who have frequently been proven to be deeply and unethically ensconced in the Obama camp for at least five years.  

Not that it needed confirmation but CBS confirmed that bias on Sunday. . .

Monday, September 24, 2012

"All This Just for a Damn Flag?"--Michelle Obama

"All This Just for a Damn Flag?"--Michelle Obama

The Two American Flags
I’ve been told it’s merely a dastardly rumor that First Lady Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama disdainfully whispered to President Barack Hussein Obama  during solemn ceremonies observing the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 Islamic terrorist attacks on the United States, “All this just for a damn flag?” and the POTUS  supposedly reacted with a sneering nod and facial expression unmistakably denoting agreement with the FLOTUS’ contempt. 

In the brief clip from a year ago, which somehow went un-reported by the mainstream media, Lady O is seen turning to her husband and mouthing  something sotto voce to him as the mournful strains of bagpipes are heard in the background. 

In case the reader didn’t hear the bagpipes and see Michelle’s mouthing, catch the clip here .  Another site shows the scene in three speeds
9/11  Over the past year, precisely what Mrs. Obama said has been disputed by the Obama Camp which denies she could possibly be so shallow, insensitive, and disrespectful toward the emblem of the United States of America by saying “All this just for a damn flag?” as if honoring America’s flag at a September 11th  commemoration could ever be problematic. 

Even more outrageous is that the president could concur with her.  

In the public interest and in my ceaseless quest for truth, justice, and the American way, I wouldn’t post the YouTube links without verifying what the woman who finally became proud of her country four years ago at the age of 44 had really said. 

I therefore turned to a trusted family member, a highly-experienced speech therapist skilled in lip reading, to determine what the FLOTUS whispered to the POTUS while the nation was remembering the horrors of September 11th, 2001. 

After a painstaking review of the videos and reading Lady O’s lips, our family speech therapist concluded . . .

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Chick-fil-A: Lies, Truth, Confusion, and Abandonment

Chick-fil-A: Lies, Truth, Confusion, and Abandonment

For years, has performed yeoman’s service on behalf of the institutions of the American family and traditional marriage. It has valiantly, almost uniliterally, fought against concerted efforts by the Lesbian-Bisexual-Gay-Transgendered movement to subvert both those institutions and to seduce the youth of America into the sick,smarmy world of homosexuality.
(See “Chick-fil-A and Homosexual Intolerance,” and “Chick-fil-A versus the Loonie Left,”
MassResistance hasn’t surrendered in that ongoing struggle but has announced it will cease in its efforts to defend Chick-fil-A but not for the reasons you might suspect.

Despite widespread reports to the contrary, Chick-fil-A hasn’t reneged on its commitment to supporting organizations working on behalf of the American family and traditional marriage but the company’s confused dealings with those calculatedly-false reports have frustrated the good folks at MassResistance to such an extent that they are giving up.

Far too much to summarize, the full MassResistance explanatory e-mail follows in its entirety:
Chick-fil-A Comes to Los UPDATE: New information on the accusations that Chick-fil-A caved in to the homosexual movement’s demands.

and DreamWorks Animation In our last email, dated Sept. 21, we excoriated Chick-fil-A and its CEO Dan Cathy for allegedly caving in to the demands of the homosexual movement. Our title was: Chick-fil-A caves in to homosexual pressure. Agrees not to donate to pro-family groups in exchange for permission to put restaurant in Chicago. Slap in the face to pro-family supporters.

It appears that this is largely not true. We’ve published the truth below. But finally finding that out wasn’t easy. This is definitely one of the most exasperating news stories we’ve ever covered. Getting to the facts has entailed wading through a lot of confusion generated by the homosexual movement, the pro-family movement, and especially Chick-fil-A itself.

What was reported in the press

Our email quoted from the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Washington Times, Huffington Post, and a homosexual press release. They all basically reported the following: Chick-fil-A officials had told Chicago Alderman Joe Monero in writing that the company would no longer donate any money to “anti-gay,” pro-family groups.

Chick-fil-A also allegedly showed documentation that they had not recently given money to such groups.

The company supposedly also promised to make an internal statement about non-discrimination on sexual orientation. In doing this, Chick-fil-A reportedly had negotiated with Moreno and also a Chicago homosexual activist group called “Civil Rights Agenda.”

In return, as Monero gleefully announced, he would not block Chick-fil-A’s efforts to open a restaurant in his trendy Chicago district. He termed this a “great victory for the gay rights movement.”

Several newspapers contacted Chick-fil-A for their comments on this, but the company refused to respond except to direct them to a statement on their website. . .


Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Slippery Slope Toward Sodom Part Two

The Slippery Slope Toward Sodom  Part Two

Part One of this mini-series addressed the inordinate influence that homosexuals and their cohorts in the entertainment industry have had on the almost palpable deterioration of American morality, our slippery slope toward a biblical or figurative Sodom. 

Americans have grown almost immune to stories out of Leftist Hollywood such as those discussed in Part One and director Nick Cassavetes’ endorsement of brother-sister incest in his latest film, “Yellow.”  Cassavetes succinctly stated his disturbed, disturbing philosophy: ”Who gives a [bleep] if people judge you?”  

Unfortunately, there are other forces greasing the Sodom-slide skids as much as, or more than, twisted movie directors and overt and covert homosexuals–namely overt and covert members of NAMBLA and similar pro-pedophilia individuals and organizations like public school labor unions.  

For example, the headline on last Friday: “Born This Way: Sympathy and Science for Those Who Want to Have Sex with Children” should have been a shocker.

The article, written by Gawker’s West Coast editor Cord Jefferson, called for greater understanding of the plight of pedophiles.

According to the article, Leslie Walker, a prisoner’s rights activist, pleaded on behalf of convicted, imprisoned pedophiles who “usually don’t make it” without protective custody.  Walker moaned, ”[Child sex offenders] are at risk of being murdered, having their food taken, having their cells defecated and urinated in. Their life is truly a living hell.”

Gee, that’s almost as awful as the lifelong pain suffered by the innocent victims of pedophiles. 

Being an insensitive conservative, my heart doesn’t go out to convicted child molestors or people like “Terry” who admitted to having sex with his 7 year old stepdaughter and felt really bad about it in retrospect. 

“Terry” should not have endured such dastardly treatment.  Rather, he should have been castrated with a rusted bayonet and forced to share a cell with a maniacal ax-murderer whose sister was raped by a pedophile so that he could experience both a living and an everlasting hell.  

Jefferson makes an impassioned case for understanding, accepting, and forgiving pedophiles who destroy kids’ lives, spirits, and futures. 
He mentions ”a growing number of [unidentified] researchers” who claim ”that pedophilia is an illness deserving of the public’s sympathy the way any brain disorder is” and that some [of his selected researchers] “say pedophilia is a sexual orientation, meaning that pedophilia is ”unchangeable, regardless of how much jail time or beatings or therapy someone is dealt. . . that pedophiles are born that way, and that some of them will suffer through entire lives.” 

Jefferson firmly believes society should protect the perverts ”from angry mobs, cellmates, and themselves.  That bears repeating: “[P]edophilia is an illness deserving of the public’s sympathy . . . pedophilia is a sexual orientation. . . ” (

This too bears repeating: When anyone advocates so passionately for the protection of twisted people who sexually violate defenseless children, something is radically amuck with that advocate as well as with a country that tolerates such bizarre notions without indicting the twisted advocate. 

Someone should investigate Cord Jefferson to determine his sexual proclivities, his criminal record, the number of children in his family and their health.
Regrettably, people like Jefferson are all too common in Sodom-bound America.

Lauren Thompson wrote a scathing piece on titled, “Wife of Jason Biggs Jokes about Child Rape; Defends Husband’s Misogynistic Tweets.” 

Thompson clarifies what most rational people already know, that most Hollywood-types are weird but that the absolute dregs of Tinseltown reside . . .

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Slippery Slope toward Sodom (Part One)

The Slippery Slope toward Sodom (Part One)

Along with “kick the can down the road” and “throw him under the bus”, the clichéd phrase “slippery slope” is often misused and overused.  What particular ”can”, “road”, “bus”, or “slope” are we talking about? 

Still, few expressions better capture the essence of what’s been going on in America over the course of the last few years than the image conjured up by the expression ”slippery slope”.  Apply some imagination and the term connotes the sense of an inexorable, national slide down from a majestic peak into a noisome swamp.  

Only those totally oblivious of reality would deny that our nation has been rapidly slipping, sliding, even plummeting from a variety of high and lofty pinnacles achieved over centuries into various treacherous political, cultural, and moral swamps.  Not the least of that slippage is our rapid descent into an immoral morass at the bottom of which is national oblivion. 

From the point of view of a layman and not a religious minister–and hardly a moralistic, moralizing layman at that–to deny the United States of America has radically changed in almost every way over the last four years is to deny the truth of your lying eyes.  To deny America is on the path to becoming a modern-day Sodom represents an excursion into a fool’s paradise of the worst order.     

Understandably, few of us think much about Genesis’  gory details of the obliteration of Sodom and Gomorrah, ancient cities  destroyed because of gross and grossly un-repentant sins against God and nature committed by their residents.  According to the Old Testament, Sodom and Gomorrah were reduced to ashes because they had become the quintessential antitheses of what the Almighty planned when He created our universe and our planet.

By all Hebrew, Christian and Muslim accounts, fire and brimstone rained down on Sodom and Gomorrah reducing them to ashes and Lot’s wife was subsequently reduced to a pillar of salt.  The cities were universally populated by evil people  and Lot’s unfortunate wife became a human salt lick due to her insatiable curiosity.  

There are many degrees and types of evil and the specific nature of Sodomite evil is rarely detailed today since it’s politically incorrect to identify the precise cause of Sodom’s destruction as rampant homosexuality.  That cause is illustrated by this passage from Genesis 19:5: ”Then all the men of the city surrounded Lot’s house and said, ‘Where are the men who came to you tonight?  Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.’ “ 

Lot offered to give Sodom’s homosexuals his two virgin daughters instead, a very generous offer the mob furiously rejected and tried to break down his door to get at the male visitors inside.  What happened to those visitors is unclear but the Lot family fled and the rest is biblical history.  

However, back to the matter at hand, America’s dismal swamp where homosexuals and other deviants don’t need to break down doors to get at their prey.  Our culture has become so immersed in every variety of sexual depravity that the depraved need only advertise on Craig’s List or to find their victims. 

The homosexual rape and torture of 13 year old Jesse Dirkhising in 1999 is a prime example not only of depradation but of the media’s complicity in such evil by selective reporting which effectively condones the evil.  TIME magazine published an article back then that would never make it into MSM print today. 

“Why One Murder Makes Page One and Another Is Lost in the News Briefs” attempted to explain . . .


Saturday, September 15, 2012

Flaming Muslims Burn Obama

Flaming Muslims Burn Obama

Senator Barack Hussein Obama on November 21, 2007: ”The Day I’m Inaugurated, Muslim Hostility Will Ease.”  President Barack Hussein Obama February, 2012 ”“One of the proudest things of my three years in office is helping to restore a sense of respect for America around the world.” (I guess that would depend on your definitions of “ease”, “hostility”, and “respect”.)
Joseph Andoni Massad, Palestinian-born associate professor of Modern Arab Politics at New York’s Columbia University, is said to have coined the term “Arab Spring,” suggesting that the upheavals in the Arab world over the winter of 2010, upheavals lauded by President Barack Hussein Obama, foreshadowed a fortuitous rebirth of Islamic culture and governance.

The misnamed Arab Spring didn’t result in rebirth but, to one degree or another, it did spread like a biblical  plague to Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain, Syria, Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Morocco, Lebanon, Mauritania, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Djibouti, Mali, and Western Sahara.
Those protests have been more aptly labeled an Arab Revolution and as an Arab Intifada (Insurrection). 

The Arab Spring is more akin to a Muslim revolt against a reality many of the world’s 1.2 billion adherents to Islam realize in their hearts but refuse to articulate.   They know their culture, their way of life, and their belief system haven’t progressed in 700 years, an unfortunate truth that tends to make a people very frustrated–and extremely pissed off. 

The Roman Catholic Church stopped torturing and killing heretics half a millenium ago; Muslims still do it.  Slavery was abolished centuries ago; Muslims still practice it.  Scientific advancement has continued in the Western World for centuries; Islam still considers modern science as a corrupt Western creation, Iran forbids the teaching of foreign languages, and Iranian medical schools forbid human dissection, presumably believing frog bodies are good enough to learn about human bodies.   

To compensate for their inadequacies, like infants deprived of attention who scream in protest, Arab Islamists are screaming, rioting, demonstrating, and burning allegedly because of a puerile 18 minute film depicting the Holy Prophet of the Religion of Peace as a madman and child molestor, among other things. 

“Innocence of Muslims” may be a dumb, infantile movie but is it untruthful? 

After all, just because a guy founded and preached a religion predicated on murderous violence and mayhem, is that sufficient cause to brand him a madman?  And, just because Mohammad “married” his eight year old “bride,” Aisha bint Abu Bakr, does that make him a child predator?  And, just because Islam is replete with proven historical instances of mindless violence against friend and enemy alike, does that make Muslims exceptional?  

Damned right it does!  . . . 

Monday, September 10, 2012

"2016:Obama's America"--Rated NRC

"2016 Obama's America"--Rated NRC

The Motion Picture Association of America assigned a PG rating to the Dinesh D’Souza-Gerald R. Molen political documentary “2016: Obama’s America” due to ”thematic elements, brief language and smoking images”.  

After seeing the film, I can unequivocably say the MPAA missed the ratings boat.  “2016″ deserves an entirely new classification: “NRC–Not Recommended for Conservatives” due to redundancy and disturbing reality.

The film is redundant in that most conservatives have long been aware that the election of Barack Hussein Obama in 2008 was the unfortunate,  intended consequence of a meticulously-orchestrated joint Democrat Party/MSM scam designed to install an extreme leftist in the most powerful office on Earth by concealing the truth about his heritage, his family, his associations, and his education. 

AP: 274a4ae5-f3fb-445f-9d7c-356dd4c354cb  For my part, the only exception to the old news quality of 2016 was the inclusion of an interview of Obama’s
impoverished half-brother George Obama who still lives in a miniscule shack outside Nairobi, Kenya.  Millionaire Barack shamelessly preaches that we are indeed our brothers’ keepers and lives in mansion yet hasn’t offered to do a damned thing to help out poor George. 

You see, Barack’s Kenyan, half-sibling fundamentally disagrees with his rich, half-black American president on certain issues and for that reason can rot in his Kenyan hut-hell.    

“2016″ is also not recommended for conservatives because, although most knew some of the hidden and damning details concerning Obama’s background and beliefs, to have those disturbing facts concentrated in 89 minutes on the silver screen can literally be overwhelming.  I heard and saw a number of audience members weeping during and after the screening. 

As one exiting, crying moviegoer, no doubt a member of that dastardly tea party, observed to my wife, “That bastard has to go!”  I just hope she wasn’t referring to me!  

The audience were not shaken as much by the film’s content as by the suggestions of what America will be like a mere four years down the road should Obama be re-elected.  To all but his most ardent admirers who still fondly regard him as the nation’s savior, Obama’s America in 2016 is not a pretty picture. 

(For more details see “2016 Obama’s America”: and watch D’Souza deftly dismantle foul-mouthed Bill Maher’s objections to the truths in the film:   

Predictably panned by the same mainstream media that elected Obama, ”2016″ has been characterized. . .  (Read more at

Sunday, September 9, 2012

"I Will Meet You in the Stairwell"--a Prayer for 9/11

"I Will Meet You in the Stairwell"--a Prayer for 9/11

(The following was received as an email in 2010 and posted here with minor editing on September 11th, 2010 and re-posted last year when New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s decided to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001 without allowing the presence of any clergy or the expression of any.  In 2012, “Meet Me in the Stairwell” is more valuable than ever despite the effort by delegates at the Democrat National Convention to ban God from their arena.)
  (Graphic compliments of

         “Meet Me in the Stairwell”
         You say you will never forget where you were when
         you heard the news On September 11, 2001.
         Neither will I. 

        I was on the 110th floor in a smoke filled room
        with a man who called his wife to say ‘Good-Bye.’ I
        held his fingers steady as he dialed. I gave him the
        peace to say, ‘Honey, I am not going to make it, but it
        is OK. . . I am ready to go.’ 

        I was with his wife when he called as she fed
        breakfast to their children. I held her up as she
        tried to understand his words and as she realized
        he wasn’t coming home that night. 

        I was in the stairwell of the 23rd floor when a
        woman cried out to Me for help. ‘I have been
        knocking on the door of your heart for 50 years!’ I said.
        ‘Of course I will show you the way home – only
        believe in Me now.’ 

        I was at the base of the building with the Priest
        ministering to the injured and devastated souls.
        I took him home to tend to his Flock in Heaven. He
        heard my voice and answered. 

        I was on all four of those planes, in every seat,
        with every prayer. I was with the crew as they
        were overtaken. I was in the very hearts of the
        believers there, comforting and assuring them that their
        faith has saved them. 

        I was in Texas , Virginia , California , Michigan, Afghanistan.
        I was standing next to you when you heard the terrible news.
        Did you sense Me? 

        I want you to know that I saw every face. I knew
        every name – though not all knew Me. Some met Me
        for the first time on the 86th floor. 

        Some sought Me with their last breath.
        Some couldn’t hear Me calling to them through the
        smoke and flames; ‘Come to Me… this way… take
        my hand.’ Some chose, for the final time, to ignore Me.
        But, I was there. 

        I did not place you in the Tower that day. You
        may not know why, but I do. However, if you were
        there in that explosive moment in time, would you have
        reached for Me?
        Sept. 11, 2001, was not the end of the journey
        for you. But someday your journey will end. And I
        will be there for you as well. Seek Me now while I may
        be found. Then, at any moment, you know you are
        ‘ready to go.’ 

        I will be in the stairwell of your final moments.
        During the next 60 seconds, stop whatever you are
        doing, and take this opportunity. (Literally it
        takes only 1 minute.) All you have to do is the

        Stop and think and appreciate God’s power
        in your life, for doing what you know is pleasing to
        Him. If you are not ashamed to do this, follow the
        instructions. Jesus said, ‘If you are ashamed of Me, I will be
        ashamed of you before My Father.’ 

        If you are not ashamed, copy and send this message…only
        if you believe ‘Yes, I love my God. He is my
        fountain of Life and My Savior. He keeps me going day and
        night. Without Him, I am no one. But with Him, I can do
        everything. Christ is my strength.’ 

If you look closely at the picture above, you will note that all the Marines pictured are bowing their heads. That’s because they’re praying.
GOD Bless Our Warriors, May God Bless America, One Nation Under GOD!

(Religious or not, all Americans should pray on, before, and after September 11th, 2011.  They should pray to Christ or to Yahweh or to Buddha or to Allah that the horrors of eleven years ago won’t again be visited on our nation.  All indications are that they will so maybe our prayers should also focus on preserving what we have left following the inevitable.)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

God, Cardinal Dolan, and Obama's MSM

God, Cardinal Dolan, and Obama's MSM

If you missed the benediction offered by Cardinal Timothy Dolan at the end of the 2012 Democrat National Convention, you had plenty of company.  To say the least, television coverage of the bishop of the New York Archdiocese was spotty. 

The DNC was forced to invite Dolan since he is a highly influential bishop of the Catholic Church who had spoken at the GOP confab the previous week and Barack Hussein Obama desperately needs some Catholic votes in November, especially after his administration has declared Obamacare war against Catholics’ freedom to practice their religion. 

However, that grudging invite didn’t compel Obama’s mainstream media to afford Dolan any attention since to do so would undercut their commitment to his re-election at all costs.  The cardinal was allowed to speak to the thousands at the convention but that didn’t mean the president’s MSM would allow their audience of millions to listen.  

Fox News and C-SPAN were the only networks to cover the cardinal’s  concluding prayer.  Viewers on ABC, CNN, and PBS could faintly hear his words and could barely see him in the distant background while their pundits analyzed Thursday night’s session in Charlotte and MSNBC, CBS, and NBC dutifully and totally ignored everything he said. 

The cardinal concluded his impassioned benediction by thanking the Almighty “for the great gift of our beloved country.  For we are indeed ‘one nation under God,’ and ‘in God we trust.’  So, dear God, bless America. You who live and reign forever and ever.  Amen!” 

During his brief prayer, Cardinal Dolan also touched upon other issues near and dear to the hearts of all true Christians, including the sanctity of all human life, protecting and saving the lives of the pre-born, and preserving the institution of traditional marriage, all issues far from the hearts and minds of Democrats at the DNC.

Along with the deity, those concepts had been roundly trashed at the convention which enthusiastically endorsed free abortion on demand, supported free  birth control for all the Sandra-Flukers out there who demand that the public pay for their condoms, and advocated for the right of everyone to marry anyone and everything they so desired.  

The benediction lacked the drama of a former president who regarded the current president as a joke in 2008 . . . (Read more at

Friday, September 7, 2012

DNC Bigotry

DNC Bigotry

Political conventions almost by definition are forums for bluster, blowhards, and baloney and the 2012 Democrat National Convention was no exception.  Still, both on and off stage, the DNC featured such outrageous public exhibitions of religious bigotry and racist sentiment that it must be considered historic. 

Factor in Democrat confusions, contradictions, and double reverses and the Charlotte, North Carolina quadrennial event had to have set records, but for all the wrong reasons.   

Back when Democrats still acted like Americans, humorist Will Rogers famously said, “I am not a member of any organized political party.  I am a Democrat.” The disorganization and the disintegration of the former “party of the people” is showing more and more under the dubious tutelage of President Barack Hussein Obama.  

The DNC didn’t showcase a Clint Eastwood equivalent, unless you consider the haggard Bill Clinton comparable to the actor addressing an invisible Barack Hussein Obama’s empty chair at the Republican confab last week.  Or, unless you consider the bunches of empty suits and the Dems’ barely- averted humiliation of thousands of empty seats at the Bank of America Stadium as an Eastwood equivalent. 

The biggest DNC story was not aging Bubba’s stemwinder or the party’s cowardly retreat to a cozier venue but the shameless displays of religious and racial bigotry among the delegates.

  Notorious for being irreligious, the Democrats outdid themselves in their national platform when they deliberately deleted any reference to a deity. 

They made that omission more offensive after convention Chairman Villaraigosa was advised that eliminating God in the DNC platform would upset millions of voters.  He therefore perpetrated a gross  offense against democracy by overruling delegate voice votes against reinstating God.   
The majority of the party faithful thrice noisily demonstrated they wanted Dems to have nothing to do with any deity anymore than they wanted to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.    

See Villaraigosa trample on Democrat democracy and try to get the public to believe their ultra-secular party really believes in God:

Then, a prominent Jewish delegate made his religious bias perfectly clear.  
Democrats may be godlessly anti-Christian but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are all devoid of religion.   At the same time, some foolishly appear to want to stoke the growing European anti-Semitism in America. . . 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Prayer for a President: Psalms 109:8

A Prayer for a President: Psalms 109:8

You got a problem with praying? 

If so, that’s fine in the United States of America where your freedom to pray or not pray, to practice or not practice a religion, is enshrined in our Constitution’s Bill of Rights although that enshrinement has taken some body blows from the Obama administration. 

Still, despite Obama’s assaults on the Constitution, few Americans would take offense over a prayer–aside from atheists and Obama’s Secret Service. 
Pray for Obama: Another Anti Obama Billboard Stirs up Controversy | Psalms 109:8  Longtime Texas resident Milton Nietsch was inspired to offer a simple prayer for America’s beleagured president on his  Victoria, Texas billboard.  It read, ”Pray For Obama,” an invocation flanked by a drawing of hands clasped in prayer and another of the president in profile. 

It wasn’t so much those parts of Nietsch’s billboard that attracted the attention of the Secret Service as it was the references beneath them.  And, it wasn’t so much the mention of Psalm 109:8 that bothered the people charged with protecting the life and limb of the president as much as it was the verses that follow 109:8 in the Old Testament but didn’t even appear on the billboard. 

Most normal Americans would react, well, normally, to Nietsch’s innocuous,  prayerful wish but, then again, life in ObamaWorld is no longer exactly normal by most traditional standards where religion and Christianity in America are under ceaseless attack. 

In ObamaWorld, government is now authorized to suspend and/or revoke our freedom to practice our religion as we see fit, religiosity is regarded by many in power as a sociological aberration, and Mitt Romney’s Mormon religion is being used in an attempt to destroy his bid for the presidency. 

Compounding America’s religious confusions, millions of Americans still believe Obama is a liar when he says he is a Christian who mainly takes his family to church during an election year.  

Obama’s Secret Service apparently has little to occupy its time so, in lieu of  protecting the president from bodily harm and tracking down real dangers, became all exercised over Psalm 109:8 which reads, “Let his days be few, and let another take his office”, because of the biblical sentiments that follow that verse. . . 

Why Do Black Voters Tolerate Racist Democrats?

Why Do Black Voters Tolerate Racist Democrats?

Why do black voters tolerate racist Democrats such as Bill Clinton and Joe Biden? 

I have no idea.  Habit?

William Jefferson Blythe Clinton is scheduled to deliver the keynote speech at the Democrat National Convention on Wednesday. It’s doubtful America’s scandalized 42nd president will mention his impeachment or his Oral Office encounters with Monica Lewinsky any more than he will comment on his observation to the late Ted Kennedy that ”A few years ago, this guy [Obama] would have been carrying our bags.”

Say what? 

That racist observation might seem like a Republican smear of Clinton but it’s far from it.  It appeared in a 2008 article by Ryan Lizza in the arch-liberal NewYorker magazine outlining the Clinton camp’s vicious attacks on Obama during the dirty 2008 Democrat primary campaign. 

Fortuitously in time for the Charlotte convention, Lizza clarified Clinton’s words of just four years ago by telling  CNN’s Soledad O’Brien that “I don’t think it’s racial.  I don’t think Bill Clinton has a racist bone in his body.” 

Of course not !  Bull Connor and Elijah Muhammad never had a a racist in their bodies either so how could ”America’s first black president,” according to Toni Morrison, (a designation later retracted), a semi-progressive Democrat who was supported by the vast majority of African-American voters in 1992 and 1996, cast such a nasty racist aspersion on Obama? 
Picture Comparison of Joe Biden and Paul Ryan 

For that matter, how could then-Democrat senator Joe Biden describe Obama in 2008 as “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy” and still be picked by Obama as his running mate? 

Weren’t Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson articulate, bright, clean, nice-looking African-Americans when they ran for president, Mr. Biden?  

Isn’t it as racist to single out Obama as a somehow special African-American simply because he can speak well, is smart, bathes regularly, and doesn’t scare dogs and small kids by his looks as racist as Bubba saying Obama would be an obsequious hotel or airport baggage-handler “a few years ago”?

Maybe during those relatively few years a sea change occurred in the racist thinking of  the Democrat Party during which Dems refined their racism by electing an African-American as president rather than regarding Obama as exceptional since he’s smart, clean, etc. and the equivalent of one of those guys at airports who extort payments for labors a well-trained chimp could perform. . . 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Photos to Mull Over

Photos to Mull Over

Depending on the photograph and the words, a picture can be worth many thousands of words.  The following photos from various sources are worth millions.  Add your own captions. 

From  Picture Comparison of Joe Biden and Paul Ryan 
Bumbling VP Joseph Robinette Biden who is scarily within a breath of assuming the role of commander-in-chief of what was once the most powerful and most influential nation on the planet matches wits with third graders, and loses. 

From  Obamanation_imgmap
Artist John McNaughton is not exactly Barack Hussein Obama’s favorite artist for one very good reason: He evidently has as much respect for Obama as Obama has for America.


Aminat Kurbanova, a born again Russian Muslim fruitcake, clearly had little chance of scoring with a hot Muslim guy so she decided to do the next best thing; she became a suicide bomber and blew herself up.

From  Yemen-300x236 

In Islamic Yemen, Muslims showed they haven’t evolved very much by crucifying three men “in accordance to Sharia” who had been accused of being American spies.


Building any structure on a sandy foundation is always risky business; building an Obama statue made of sand is even riskier. 

From  ht TNCZ sux obama banner jt 120901 wblog Iowans Message to Obama: We Did Build This 
Sioux City, Iowa airport (SUX) greets Air Force One with a political  opinion.  

From  If you are shaped like this please don't wear this dress     
Okay, this is mostly for the jollies but could represent an ad for Lady O’s anti-obesity campaign.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Sick Liberal Puppies--Part Two

Sick Liberal Puppies--Part Two

Part One of “Sick Liberal Puppies” referenced the racist defacement of Amy Love’s  Wikipedia page, Yahoo’s David Chalian’s racist observation that the Romneys party while Tropical Storm Isaac drowned black people, Samuel L. Jackson’s racist admission that he voted for Obama only because he was black and regrets that Isaac spared the GOP convention in Tampa from disaster, and Ellen Barkin’s tweeted death wishes for Republicans.  

Various themes pervade those comments, the chief of which is a palpable, snarling hatred for themselves or others, an emotion at the foundation of liberalism although libs will never admit it.  Nor will the folks at Facebook and Twitter concede they harbor a fierce antipathy toward conservatives and Republican principles although they have become favorite vehicles for leftist-liberals to spew their sick venom. 

Facebook boasts of “community standards” forbiding users from “credibly (threatening) harm to others, or (organizing) acts of real-world violence” yet Facebook permitted ”Kill Mitt Romney” and “Kill Paul Ryan” pages and featured a “Kill Romney” page for 17 days before removing it. 
Assassinating Republicans is apparently not credibly threatening or sufficiently violent to the Facebook community. 

The much-delayed Facebook selective enforcement of its standards forced amateur liberal-leftist hate-mongers onto Twitter where they were free to post their pale but still vile imitations of the invective of professional leftist-liberal haters like Bill Maher, Ed Schultz, Chris Matthews, et al.

For example, twisted lib twit “Gregory Martinez” tweeted, “I want to murder Ann Romney right now. NO PATRIOT ACT!!! #RNC”, “Ashley Miller” encouraged Mrs. Romney to commit suicide (“Ann Romney, go kill yourself”), a weirdo named ”Connor” raved, “Ann romney: Kill yourself”, and ”Jersey Omerta OO7″ inquired, “Why does Ann Romney act like an average mom? B**ch kill yourself, you had maids take care of your f***ing kids.”

I know that those are random comments.  I also know those are the thoughts and hopes of people who fervently want Mr. Civility, Barack Hussein Obama, re-elected president, as does Code Pink Women for Peace, a group that on one occasion provided comic relief from the usual non-comedic liberal-leftist haters.

For those not aware, Code Pink is an extremist, pro-green, pro-Palestinian, anti-Republican, anti-American . . .